18. Pam Schmidt- Loving Our Body Through Toxin & Parasite Elimination
Pam Schmidt
Candice Noss: [00:00:00] Hello and welcome to the design for greatness podcast conversations with Candice to help you elevate your mind, body, and spirit and own your divine greatness. Today you have episode number 18, my interview with chemical minimalist, Pam Schmidt. I can't wait for you to meet her and to introduce Pam to you before we jump in.
I want to tell you just a really quick bio about her. Pam Schmidt is a lighthearted Californian and she's worn many hats, teacher, wife, mother, and now a proud grandma since November of 2022. Pam felt a calling to protect her family from toxins, which was inspired by her husband's health struggles and a divine nudge that she felt when she was a new mother.
So over the past 30 years, this calling has expanded to reducing toxins from home, food, body wellness, and even parasites. [00:01:00] After retiring from a 37 year career in elementary education in 2020, Pam followed God's nudge to become a chemical minimalist. She's now dedicated to helping families eliminate harmful elements from their daily routines.
God has shown Pam how to make order out of chaos. I love that. Um, and how to discover tools to live a happy, healthy life. Everybody. I am so excited to talk to Pam today about her heartfelt journey and all of her insights about how to live toxin free. Uh, to embrace life and live a life of wellness and purpose.
Pam, thank you for being here. Well, thank
Pam Schmidt: you, Candice. I, I resonate so much with your message of reaching out to the mind, body, and spirit. I feel like that is the core of what people need for hope and joy in this world right now. And always, but especially right now.
Candice Noss: Right. It's so important. We have a trifecta.
The [00:02:00] three important things that make us a human. They are a mind, a body, and a spirit, and we have to address each piece of that, and with the work you do, I think it's so powerful because you address the things going on in our body, and when, when any part of that trifecta is off, it affects all of the other things, so it affects us mentally and spiritually when, when our body is, is, is, Struggling with parasites and toxins and sicknesses and all of the things.
So just jump right in, right? Tell me a little bit. Now you mentioned being a new mother and you also mentioned your husband's health struggles that both of those things led you to this chemical minimalism that you're, that you're doing. Tell me a little bit about that journey. What brought you here?
Pam Schmidt: I think, um, I always start with my husband's story, but really it was before that when I was a new mom and I just came to realize I didn't like [00:03:00] that ammonia bleach stuff going on in my home, but at first I didn't know what to do about it.
There was no internet. In those days, we
Candice Noss: take
Pam Schmidt: it for
Candice Noss: granted now, but you're right. We had no go to a library. I remember in PT school, I had to look in encyclopedias. My kids don't even know what an encyclopedia is.
Pam Schmidt: Well, that's true. I mean, my options were to go sit in the library, go eenie, meenie, miney, moe, and pick a book off the shelf and hope I found my answers.
Maybe a health food store, but I didn't even know anybody. Who was, you know, looking for alternate ways of just cleaning. And so it just started with the simple vinegar for cleaning the floors and stuff, you know, but kind of smelly. And it just, it moved on from there slowly. And, you know, I, I thought about it.
You know, I did things that now I would be concerned about, like, I fed my kids straight baby food from the jar. Well, now we know there are [00:04:00] toxic metals found in, in those, um, a lot of those brands. Oh, I had no idea about that. I did that my whole, every six months. I'm a six kids. I did that with every child.
I know. And, and so, you know, just simple, you know, getting organic fruits and vegetables and just steaming them and mashing it can, can really suffice for kids. But it started there and I still was using bleach because I didn't know what else to do. And then we got to the point, just a few years down the road from that.
And my husband was sick for a long time and no diagnoses. And then. When he was in the hospital and dying, they finally figured out he had a very, um, resistant form of tuberculosis. He was a police officer. It was presumptive to the line of duty, but that doesn't matter when you're dying. So he went through chemo strength.
Treatments and he came through it, he lived [00:05:00] and yet those medications served to alter his life too, because now he has medically induced lupus. So we're, we're living a life where he, you know, has pain and stamina issues and that became my biggest driving force. He was my biggest driving force in terms of why I needed to get rid of.
Toxins. And, you know, people think of tuberculosis and they think of respiratory things. And yes, his tuberculosis was there, but uniquely his was disseminated through his whole body. So, you know, I, I just needed to seek out things that were to help him. And I'm still doing it these days to, you know, bring about greater energy for him to, you know, find solutions so that he's not living on Advil for pain.
And over time, you know, that carries over [00:06:00] into how I clean my home. And You know, things that we do, foods that we eat, the way, you know, we select our foods and reading labels and eliminating things, you know, uh, the foods that have certain processed. unpronounceable chemicals in them. And so, you know, that has been my driving force.
It basically centers around family.
Candice Noss: Well, I can tell you, uh, cancer has hit pretty close to home in my, in my family lately. And the, Recommendations to eliminate toxins and the understanding that cancer is truly when the toxins of the body are so much cancer results, and it's, it's really sad when it gets to the point that someone has to be sick in order for us to find some solutions.
If we could. Like you say, do this prophylactically, [00:07:00] preventatively, before the cancer shows up, before we're on death's door, and before we have to be, you know, using these chemo strength medications to fight tumors and all of these things. That is so important and I feel like your message. in order to to do this is critical.
Pam Schmidt: I believe so too, obviously, you know, by putting my energy into this and the chemicals are, uh, big irritants to our bodies and can, you know, lead to a lot of scary things like cancer or heart issues or diabetes. And then I'm going to come to my favorite topic. Parasites are often tied to these things. And, you know, there are researchers who are talking about, you know, multiple sclerosis, cancer, brain tumors, all of those things [00:08:00] have a parasite source.
And, you know, It's not necessarily something that, you know, we're going to have tied together in the doctor's office, it's research there, you know, doctors don't always keep up with all of that. And so that is the direction I'm focusing primarily in right now is helping people recognize their patients you pesky little symptoms and consider whether it involves parasites.
Um, you know, a lot of us might have five little pesky things and we don't see that they are connected. You know, whether it's hay fever, sleep issues, mood issues, weight, you know, uh, being constipated or having, you know, gut issues, all of those are on a long list of symptoms of parasites. And you know, if we deal with just that, just the [00:09:00] parasites, it's amazing how many things fade into the past.
Candice Noss: That's so interesting. So what would you recommend? Would be the best way to know if you have parasites or to treat them,
Pam Schmidt: you know, people do think well I'll just go to my doctor and I'll get tested and and you can do that Typically what happens is they'll take a blood sample or a stool sample. Both of those are Somewhat reliable but not always Accurate, you know, they they things can still fall through the cracks and if you do a stool sample They'll have you bring A sample in, and my, my typical thing that I say is then, you know, they're going to stick their probe in it a couple of times and put it under a microscope.
You might have the stool sample happen at the right time when the parasites are passing out, but you might not, or the eggs [00:10:00] might be passing out, or they might not. So it might not show up under the microscope. And the blood samples too, you know, it just depends. It can be, you know, reliable, but it can be faulty depending on how people handle it.
My Thinking is, I've heard and found that 70 to 90 percent of Americans have parasites. Oh, you're kidding.
Candice Noss: 90 to 90%. Yes. Only 10 to 30 percent don't. Right. That
Pam Schmidt: is. And one of my, one of the experts I follow says 100%, he goes, just count on it. So my thought is, why would you go through all the, you know, rigor of going in and getting a blood test or taking in a stool sample, insurance costs and all of that, I, my advice is just jump in and treat, you know, and, and it's not harmful.
It's something that, [00:11:00] you know, you would treat like, a regular cleanse. If you do other kinds of cleanses and you don't consult your doctor, you could, you know, jump into it. Well,
Candice Noss: I mean, the thing that I've been thinking lately, so I have dogs, I have, we have pigs and we have horses, and we do wormers for all of those animals.
And, you know, we've never, I've never done anything for myself. Uh, but interesting that it's such an important part to keep our animals healthy. And it sounds like if You know, 70 to a hundred percent of us have issues with parasites. Why do we not know about this? This is
Pam Schmidt: very important. And, and the pet point is very, very relevant.
A lot of people say that, well, you can treat your pets. Why don't you take care of yourself that way? It's very easy for us to be exposed through food by walking barefoot on the, on the soil, if our animals have. You know, in past weeks, [00:12:00] gone to the bathroom there and we cleaned it up. But later we walk across it with bare feet, we can contract the, the parasites they may have passed.
I don't want it to be a scary thing. And I still walk barefoot outside, but then I just take care of it. You know, you're risking. Well, and grounding is
Candice Noss: so healthy when you put your feet in the dirt and you let that energy just neutralize. Right. Get become one with nature, but there's so much benefit to
Pam Schmidt: grounding.
So. And, and so if you were trying to ground and get your feet on the, you know, grass or the soil and the whole time you're going, ah, there's, there might be parasites. Is it doing any good? So we need to have the mindset where we get the benefit of the grounding. And then we just take care of any exposures that we get, you know, lately, social media has put out a lot of, um, videos, people on social [00:13:00] media platforms showing, you know, wormies.
in our vegetables, on our vegetables, in, you know, candy, in all of that stuff. So I don't like living in fear. I just figure, take care of it and do what we need to do. Like you brought up about pets. There are some statistics and I don't have the numbers at my, you know, sleeve, but there are numbers when, when they go through and they say, How much risk do you have for having parasites?
And if you were a child growing up with a little dog, a lap dog, then your risk of having parasites is much higher, just from having a dog on your lap. We're not talking skin contact or anything like that. But you know, it, it is, it's very, very possible to, for our pets to have it. So we need to take care of ourselves too.
And it's not that hard.
Candice Noss: And it's not, [00:14:00] you mentioned that there's no harm. Like there's, there's no downside to treating yourself. There's no side effects of the treatment or anything like that. Correct.
Pam Schmidt: It really, I mean, if you observe your pets. They come through the worming fine, they might go to the back one extra time, you know, and you might see things in the back, in what they left, but it really is not going to be harsh and harmful.
I will give one, um, one thought though, when we start a parasite treatment, cleanse, it's possible to have the Herxheimer response, which means for a day or two, you might have, you know, feel a little bit sluggish or a little bit of hay fever or something like that. And it's just at the onset of treatment because Those parasites, the minute they sense that there's an attack going on, they start, they release the toxins that they're, [00:15:00] you know, having, or they, they actually go to the bathroom and release all that ammonia into your body, and so it hits kind of for a day, and they want you to quit.
Parasites can affect your emotions. They lay on the neurotransmitters, which help, which affects our emotions. And they try to get you feeling so discouraged that you'll quit. So you've got to know going in for a day, you might feel kind of, eh, you know, and you stick with it and then you're coming through it.
And you're getting the benefit.
Candice Noss: Okay, so how do you treat for the parasites then? Is it something we can do on our own?
Pam Schmidt: It is. Um, what I first of all want to bring up, we have a full moon coming very soon. Prime time to work on parasites is during the full moon. The days leading up to and the days after. So that is, for me, that is my [00:16:00] follow up treatment now.
When you're starting your first parasite detox deworming, you really need to go after it for at least six weeks. So I'm telling you the, the facts. I don't want to delude you going for one week when you've never dealt with, um, deworming is not going to get you very far. You really need to stick with it that first time, six weeks up to three months.
So just that. Know that you know, it's just like you're going after a new workout program or a new diet or whatever And that's
Candice Noss: because
Pam Schmidt: they
Candice Noss: have a life cycle and you have to go through the whole life cycle, correct?
Pam Schmidt: Thank you You're right. I would have skipped that They do have a life cycle and you've got to catch all the stages of the life cycle and it's going to take that long At least six weeks to go, you know from egg to If they have another stage to adult to egg laying and to catch all of that, because [00:17:00] once you've, um, killed off the adult, the mama that laid the eggs, those eggs have been laying dormant in her, in me, in me all this time.
But when, when the mama dies, These eggs hatch and then they start out. So that's why we're treating that long. It's, there are different kinds of deworming treatments. There are herbal, there's food stuff we can do. There are non prescription pharmaceutical treatments, such as what you would give your pet.
And so there are different ways to go about it. It is important to keep cycling through different treatments because the parasites love to build up resistance. And after a few days. They're going to be resistant to, to that treatment that you give it if you keep going week after week with treatment A.
Um, [00:18:00] it's important to make sure that you're having regular bowel movements before you start any dewormers. So if, if a person is not real consistent at that, then work on, you know, fruits and vegetables that bring that on. For me, my favorite is aloe juice to drink it. And that one just. It takes care of things without getting, you know, the wild side of it.
And get, get that cleaned out, get that going and then start some dewormer treatments. Um, there's easy stuff that you can find on the store shelves, such as a combination herb treatment, which is clove, black walnut and Wormwood, and those can be something that is very effective. Um, but again, how would you use that?
How would
Candice Noss: you go about using clove, black walnut and wormwood?
Pam Schmidt: Um, [00:19:00] I, those pills, they're capsules typically, I guess you could open them up into powder and drink them if you're not a pill taker, but you know, whatever it says on that bottle, if it's two to three capsules a day that you would, you would take that and do that for.
about five days. Then take a couple of days of break to let your your liver, the main detoxifier, just get a little rest and then move into another dewormer treatment, a different one. Um, or a food. Papaya seeds are very effective. Um, and so maybe go from, you know, that capsule into the papaya seeds and do that for four days.
Then you could go back to the, the capsules or you could move on to something else. Um, I have an ebook that I would like to make available for, for your listeners. Yeah, that'd be amazing. Because it answers a lot of [00:20:00] these questions of, you know, what are the symptoms, the long list, it also talks about what are some treatments that are used, what other kinds of support do you need, um, you know, things that help pull the heavy metals out of your system.
Um, and so I will make that available for your listeners. Um, because. I want to help them. I really do. Right. But I'm also doing something else that I want to tell you about. Um, I'm offering a body breakthrough call to you and your listeners. Typically, it's a 20 minute call for your listeners. I'm offering a 30 minute and we'll go, we'll look at what they're, Um, I want to come up with three action steps that they can take.
So whether it's removing toxic chemicals and replacing it or, you know, working on parasites, those kinds of things. And so I I'm making [00:21:00] both the ebook and that. Wow.
Candice Noss: Thank you so much. That's incredible. That's incredible because I think it's a little bit overwhelming when you start talking parasites and chemicals and it can be like everything in the world is a carcinogen and 100 percent of us have parasites and where do I even start?
So how neat, how neat. Thank you for that. I will link the ebook and the way to connect with you for one of those body breakthrough calls. And the show absolutely. Thank you so much. So I want to, I want to shift for a second and part of what I do in this podcast is I want to inspire people to step into their greatness and to use their greatness to do important, valuable things in this world that fulfill their missions and serve humanity.
So I feel that you were led. Through [00:22:00] the spirit piece of your trifecta, right through God and communication there. Help me understand how you tune into that and, and how you, how you know what your next step is in order to fulfill your mission and own your greatness.
Pam Schmidt: I appreciate that you asked that. Um, you know, for me, God has led me this far.
He, I, you know, even the hard stuff, like my husband, you know, being in the hospital, I could see during it, his hand, I couldn't see all the purpose, but I felt like from then on, He has been leading me and my message developed over time because it had been just a focus upon my family. And then I started sharing it with people at my work and, and all of that.
And I have always felt like God just drops an inspiration [00:23:00] in front of me, mainly in, in terms of a question. It's always starts as a question. And then I have to go about, you know, finding, finding answers. And then, He helps me find the answer, and then as soon as I get that answer, he drops the next question.
That's the blessing. He drops the next question in front of me. Right.
Candice Noss: It's like the crumbs. Yes. You just follow, go to the next crumb, go to the next crumb.
Pam Schmidt: Right. And, and I am one, when I have a question, I do swirl for a while. It's not like, you know, I had that instant intuition, it swirls and then I, and then it lands.
So that's that order out of chaos. Um, I had a thought and I'm losing it. I did notice, and I have noticed that since I did the big parasite protocol, the five month one, I was able, and I am still able to find [00:24:00] God's message clear, more clearly. He was always sending me inspirations and messages and love. I couldn't always pick it up because I was just so bugged up and I was weighed down, emotions, you know, foggy thinking and all of that.
And I, once I dealt with The parasite protocol. It was like, Oh, okay. Now I hear you. Okay. That's next. God. Okay. Let's do that. That is what I'm hoping happens to other people that I work with. I'm, I'm hoping to just clear away the mess so that they can get on with life. I don't want them to other people.
Looking for the boogeyman chemicals or the boogeyman parasites. I just want them to know they're doing all they can and then move on with life and let God bless them the [00:25:00] way he's intended.
Candice Noss: Right. Well, there's so much power in Living with a body purposefully loved and in, in my body level weight release program, I encourage my clients to eliminate flour and sugar eventually according to their ability and their timeline and what they feel comfortable doing.
And when that happens, often the brain fog leaves, often the joint pain leaves, and when we're in that place where our body is functioning much more clearer and cleaner, you know, when the parasites are gone. Our bodies are a communication device for the spiritual realm. We receive all our information through our body.
And if we're able to have no, none of the brain fog and allow that communication to come, it makes perfect sense that you hear more clearly and you're able to tune in with a more [00:26:00] pure ability. And I absolutely love that. Thank you for sharing.
Pam Schmidt: Well, I love how you've stated it, you, you've summarized it in such a beautiful thought.
And yes, the world is not easy right now. And people need, people need inspiration, and they need to feel the light. And that's what each one of us can do. So we've got to get that stuff out of the way just so we can shine that light. And it's not even hard. You just. naturally do it. I feel like that's what God does through me.
And so I've just got to take care of myself so that he can do that.
Candice Noss: Right. Absolutely. Absolutely. Are there any spiritual practices that you do that, that help you tune in?
Pam Schmidt: Yes, I, I do. You know, I pray daily, of course, and [00:27:00] I do spend time meditating each day. And a lot of that is thankfulness, gratitude in in my, um, In the thoughts that I'm working on, and that's a prayerful thing.
I currently am working on morning pages, just writing three pages a day, and many of those days, um, it's gratitude that I'm writing. Um, my daily salt intake. Um, with healthy salt. So I just have my cup of water in the morning and I put in Celtic salt and with warm water and then I use that and take my vitamins.
I do believe our bodies need that, but I'm not talking the grocery store iodized stuff at all. I'm talking those healthy salts. Um, my other thing that I, I'm into lately is humming. Oh, and the humming helps. bring in nitric oxide into our bodies [00:28:00] and that's very beneficial for regulating the heart, for settling our emotions and bringing oxygen throughout the body.
So it's just the you know, you know, you see the The woo woo people, you know, that attitude, but I'm not doing it that weird.
But those are my daily practices and, and walking just exercise.
Candice Noss: Yes. Awesome. I love it. So many important things. Thank you so much for sharing those with us. Um, now I want to ask about your mind because the mind is the battlefield. That is truly, um, where we have to become the boss of our brain in order to own our greatness and do those things that we were sent here to you to do.
Do you ever deal with imposter syndrome or discouragement or, um, negative self talk? And how have you found [00:29:00] to eliminate that?
Pam Schmidt: That is an ongoing struggle for me. Truly. As it is for everyone. Please
Candice Noss: know that. That's why I ask, because it is universal.
Pam Schmidt: Truly, you know, I mean, I go through all that self doubt and, you know, nobody wants to hear this and, you know, people don't want to be bothered or people don't want to look at the, in the toilet, you know, all of that kind of thing.
And. is something that is a daily focus for me, a daily prayer. So those morning routine things that I work on, many of them are God work with me on this. Come on. You know, I need help here. I'm, I'm slipping again. I'm doubting. And I do find the more I work on gratitude, the higher frequency my emotions are at.
And as soon as that happens, good things start happening for me. It's just amazing. And So what we [00:30:00] focus on is what comes to us. Truly. That's again why I don't want people looking every direction and going, Oh, there's toxins and oh, there's parasites. No, you just take care of it so you can focus on what's ahead of you.
And then it comes to you all the more.
Candice Noss: I love it. I love it. That what you focus on expands, focusing on the good and focusing on the progress and their gratitude. Gratitude is a magnet for miracles. Those are two universal truths right there. I love it. That are so important to incorporate into our everyday life and very, very powerful ways to live with a mind, body, spirit, and alignment.
Pam Schmidt: thank you so much.
Candice Noss: Yes. Thank you so much for that. So, you know, I'm wondering if you had any moments that were real turning points for you or any moments that, that truly shifted and [00:31:00] created a shift that, that you can look back and say, So grateful for that. And, and now I'm this way,
Pam Schmidt: definitely becoming a mom.
That just changes everything, the color of your glasses that you look through. It does. And then, um, definitely when my husband was going through his health struggles, because it changed our finances, changed my work schedule.
Candice Noss: Well, he almost died.
Pam Schmidt: He almost died and then he became Mr. Mom and I didn't get to do that.
I had to go to work. So, I mean, there was a lot of, um, a lot to come through emotionally. That was a grieving process as well as, you know, coming, coming back through it. I felt like, um, 2020 was a definite shifting point for my looking at the and then viewing myself [00:32:00] differently as. to see my light as being important.
And is that
Candice Noss: because of COVID or what specifically about 2020?
Pam Schmidt: It was because of the lockdowns and all of that. That was my last year as a kindergarten teacher. intending to retire before that all hit. And then I followed through and retired in June 2020. So I did not get to spend those last three months in the classroom making all my last memories.
It was an interesting way to exit. Um, so that. change. 2020 brought a big change in that I went from teaching to retirement, but also I just felt like my view of how the world was working and what it takes for health and, and all of that, that changed too. So, um, big pivot for the whole world. And I [00:33:00] truly felt like our family went about things as holistically and as naturally as we could.
And I'm sorry, we're babysitting a dog barking in the background. Um, I also felt like we could address things without fear throughout that whole lockdown time. And well, and
Candice Noss: since then, people have become so much more health conscious, so much more willing to take their health in their own hands and not just accept.
what someone says or what someone tells you.
Pam Schmidt: I agree very much so. And I felt like our family's discretion and feeling of what we needed to do for our own health became even more prioritized. You know, we did get sick and we came through it. I'll just say that, but [00:34:00] I felt like, um, it just changed a lot of my perspectives and God really led our hearts through all of it.
So it was. A very important shifting time. Yes.
Candice Noss: I'm so, I'm so glad that we're able to turning points to me are, are so important and they're pivotal. And when we can recognize them in our lives, we don't always know right when we're going through it, but when we can reflect back, um, there's that saying, I love it says you don't always learn from your experiences.
You learn from your reflection on your experiences and when you're able to look back and reflect and see. Wow, that was pivotal and from this moment forward, I'm taking ownership and taking it into my own hands and doing something about this. It's, it's really, and I know you had those moments before then too, but that's really powerful.
And I think what you're inviting all of the This community to do [00:35:00] of listeners is to take ownership for your health, to do something, to cleanse the parasites and to try to prevent toxins from creating issues in the future. And it's a powerful message. So thank you so much for sharing all of that.
Pam Schmidt: You summarized things so beautifully.
Thank you.
Candice Noss: Thank you. Very kind of you. Well, as we wrap up, Pam, is there anything on your heart? Anything left that you would like to just leave here with us today?
Pam Schmidt: Yes. I have to think so I can summarize it as well as you do. Yes. You know, we have a precious body. It is a gift. And whether or not we have aches or pains, It still is the one body we have, so we have to treat it with honor, and I do [00:36:00] believe God gave us this as a gift, and so as we take care of it, He blesses us with more.
And we have a message, each one of us has a message that no one else can share. It's unique to you. And so I'm encouraging you to get this stuff out of the way, the toxins and the parasites, so that you can get that message out. People need you.
Candice Noss: I love it so much. I love it so much. You are designed for greatness.
Yes, get out there and do the great things you're meant to do by living with a mind firmly aligned, a body purposely loved, a spirit powerfully accessed. Yes, I'm on fire about all of that. So thank you so much, Pam. Thank you for being here with us today. We just love and adore you. Everybody check out Pam's ebook.
It's [00:37:00] free sign up for one of her. Body breakthrough calls. It is free 30 minutes with this expert. Thank you. Thank you so much, Pam.
Pam Schmidt: Thank you,
Candice Noss: friends. Thank you for joining me today. As we learned from Pam Schmidt about how to more purposefully love and take care of our bodies. I hope you had some impressions come to you. It truly is shocking to realize that 70 to 100 percent of us have parasites. Yikes. And that there are simple over the counter, easy things that we can do to eliminate and prevent them.
And that this health practice is another piece of loving our body and putting us in a position to more fully manage our mind and tune in spiritually. Isn't it powerful to learn people's stories and truly witness how a person's mess over time becomes their message? Pam's circumstances over this 30 to 40 year span of time, they were [00:38:00] orchestrated in such a way that now she is able to teach others this really important stuff, allowing her to be an instrument for good, serving others in important ways.
I challenge you to grab her free ebook and schedule, schedule your body breakthrough call with her because truly together we rise. And if you are feeling stuck in your mind, body, or spirit, please reach out to me, sign up for a free clarity call. I would love to help you overcome whatever your mess might be.
It is the messes we face that mold us, teach us and allow us to become and grow. I love the quote from Thomas Jefferson. Happiness is all about the internal journey to know oneself and the external journey in service to others. The trials and tricky circumstances we go through are that internal journey, which truly allow us to know ourself and hopefully land us in a space where we learn to see and own our greatness.
And then once we use, we can then use that greatness to go out and serve the world. [00:39:00] I love how Pam put it today. When our bodies are healthy and toxin and parasite free. And when our mind, body, and spirit is in alignment, we can then see God so much more clearly in our life, hear his messages and more effectively serve others in positive ways.
I love it. Always remember you are designed for greatness.