23. Cultivating Home and Family with Sherylee Kartchner
DFG #23: Cultivating Home and Family
Candice Noss: [00:00:00] Hello, and welcome to the design for greatness, podcast conversations with Candice to help you elevate your mind, body, and spirit and own your divine greatness. Today you have episode number 23, cultivating home and family with Shirley Karchner, I am pumped to introduce you all of my listeners to Shirley Karchner.
I first met Shirley at a life coaching event that we were both attending. It's gotta be three or four years ago. We ended up going to lunch and then dinner together and even started our own little mastermind group with a few of the women that we met there. Shirley and I have kept in touch and I. I just love this woman.
Shirley took my conquering confidence course, and I've had the opportunity to coach her one on one multiple times throughout the past year. Shirley is passionate about helping others create and love all the spaces in their home so that their families can gather, feel peace and thrive. She is all about nurturing relationships and building family [00:01:00] unity in our homes by ensuring that the environment and culture that we're creating there is conducive to that.
Charlie has a superpower of organization and facilitating peaceful, inspiring home atmosphere. I'm so excited for you to learn from her today. And I just wanted to share a quick bio. So Shirley is a DIY enthusiast, a home X organizer, digital course creator, blogger, coach, office manager, a wife, a mom, and a grandma of four little ones.
She's currently working on her love hate relationship as a content creator on social media, where she shares how decluttering organization, cleaning systems, and DIY projects. Create a calm, warm, welcoming home. Did you know that a can of paint can fix almost anything? Shirley is passionate about cultivating home from accent walls to decluttering and organizing a closet while nurturing and managing our minds to bring the calm and peace that we cherish.
[00:02:00] Shirley loves to connect with women who want to find calm in the chaos. Whether it's creating a system or thought work, Shirley wants to help. Shirley has created a digital course called From Chaos to Calm, Cultivate Home and Life One Space and One Step at a Time. It was designed to empower you, sharing small steps and changes that you can take to get big results.
It also includes thought work because action alone does not bring the calm we want. Shirley, we are so excited to have you here today. Thank you for joining me.
Sherylee Kartchner: I am so excited to be here and the feelings are mutual. I love you, Candice.
Candice Noss: Thank you. Well, I am so excited to jump right into all that you're doing.
Um, tell us a little bit about what you're passionate about right now and what's going on in you with your life.
Sherylee Kartchner: I am so passionate about figuring it out because I feel like I've been trying to figure it out in as our [00:03:00] lives go in different directions and different stages. Sometimes we're left like wondering what's up and I have always been passionate about having a beautiful home, whether it's doing projects, whether it's organized or clean.
I just love to create spaces that, um, fill me up, I guess, and are warm and inviting for others. And I've been trying to figure out how I can share that gift. I feel like I've been given with others. And that's kind of why I decided to create the digital course that you were telling people about.
Candice Noss: I love it so much.
We, I mean, this court, this whole podcast is called designed for greatness because we are here to, first of all, claim that divine greatness and then use that greatness to serve the world in powerful ways. And I love how you said, I'm still figuring this out. And I think That is where people are at and that's why I love having you on, [00:04:00] because first of all, we all have so many missions to perform here.
We were sent here with gifts and talents and strengths and missions to use those in. So tell me how you came across this specific mission of yours to, to cultivate these beautiful spaces for people to, to nurture family in and, and how has that looked?
Sherylee Kartchner: I think it's been something that's always been in me.
Um, but the idea of creating the course just kind of settled on my heart about a year ago. And my original plan was I'm going to knock this out and have it ready to go by the beginning of 2024. And that didn't happen. It took me a lot longer, um, to figure out. the direction that I wanted it to go. Um, little pieces would come to me just a little bit at a time and the title came and then [00:05:00] the the module ideas came and I just Kind of work through it one little step at a time.
And then it was like figuring out how to record it, how I wanted that to look, how I wanted my guide book to look, the workbook that's included. So it just, it was like little pieces at a time and it just took longer than I expected it to take.
Candice Noss: Well, and I think expectations always kind of set us up for disappointment, but following the crumbs is where, where we actually do live into Our purpose.
And we don't always know exactly how we're going to get there. We have a vision of where we want to be, but the how between where we're at and where we want to go is a little tricky sometimes. And so following those crumbs, every step along the way is, is critical. Um, tell me about that process for you.
How, how did you listen to the spirit? How, how did those crumbs come to you? And, and what, what does that [00:06:00] look like?
Sherylee Kartchner: It comes to me in a couple of different ways. Sometimes I have to just almost stop because I am spinning so much and overwhelmed that I just need to step back a second and free up some space in my heart and in my brain, and then be brave enough to take a little step forward if I do get an idea instead of pushing the ideas away.
Part of what I did is I I hired Candice to help me. She coached me through some stuff to clear my mind so that I had some confidence maybe in doing what I was trying to do.
Candice Noss: It's, it's so important to trust yourself and to get out of that place of overwhelm. So that you truly can hear the spirit and follow those crumbs.
And a lot of times it's just a little thought that, that you're able to grab onto and, and recognize like, Oh, [00:07:00] that, that wasn't for me. And, and yeah, and that, that feels, that feels good. Yeah.
Sherylee Kartchner: It feels amazing. I, I had my modules, like them written out and kind of what I wanted to share. And then I just was like, I have no idea technology wise how to make this happen.
And then I think I stumbled across something and I was like, Oh, that's it. That's the way I want it to look, you know? So it was just those little pieces. I think ideas often come like in little bits and pieces. Not just everything at once, because then we do get overwhelmed and sometimes we're, I don't know, trying to figure something out.
And we're so focused on everything that we're not focused on anything. And it's kind of the same way when we do like cleaning or decluttering our house. Sometimes we're so focused on, there's so much to do that we're afraid, like we don't even want to get started. And that's why I, I'm always, I, one of my [00:08:00] taglines is one space and step at a time, because if we think I need to declutter my house.
Well, a house is pretty big and there's a lot of areas, whether it's a drawer, a closet, a kid's bedroom, a playroom. It feels so overwhelming that we just don't even do anything. But if we think, I want to declutter my junk drawer, I'm going to throw away all the pens that don't work. It takes two minutes, maybe five, and we've accomplished something and we feel like, oh, okay, I got it.
Now I can move on to something else.
Candice Noss: It's so true. It's so true. And I, I love how it's that saying, like, how do you eat an elephant one bite at a time? It's kind of that same thing. I love it. So what would you articulate that you feel your mission is in this area?
Sherylee Kartchner: Um, I, I thrive. In peace and calm. [00:09:00] And now that my kids are grown and out of the house, my home is way more calm than it used to be.
And I know that's not realistic for a lot of busy moms and women, but I think there's a way, or I know there's a way with just subtle changes. to find calm in the chaos. That doesn't mean you have to wait till all your kids move out of the house. It might mean a simple thing like creating a system for after school.
Where do you put the backpacks? What What do we empty out of the backpacks so that the next morning they're ready to go, or what do we put in the backpacks the night before, so that we're ready to go in the morning, and that just helps your morning run smoother. Yes, there's still going to be a lot of chaos around you, which is what the way it's supposed to be, but sometimes those subtle little steps and changes.
create a big difference in your day. [00:10:00]
Candice Noss: It's so powerful. I love how you said, I thrive in peace and calm. And you're, so your mission truly is to help other women, moms, families, homes. Have this peace and calm where people can truly thrive and where we're, we're so often, we're so often instructed to be still to, you know, to, to slow down and when everything is a cluttered mess and disorganized and we're just holding on by our fingernails trying to stay above water.
It is really tricky to live the life that we were sent here to live. But when there is peace and calm, because we've created systems and organizational, um, ways to have everything have a place in a space, things do. When the chaos comes, it's so much more easier to manage. I [00:11:00] love it so much. What would you say was like, talk about your unique gifts and talents and abilities that have allowed you to really create these places of peace and calm.
Sherylee Kartchner: Sometimes when you have a gift, you don't realize it's a gift, right? And so it's been hard for me to like realize that maybe I do have a little bit. Um, a gift in some of these areas, but I, um, I love that that cultivating home is just a passion for me. And I know that that looks different for everybody, right?
There's no one right way to do it. But for me, I love cultivating the home. I, I love talking and connecting with women that, um, that just want more peace, that just want to have a little bit lighter [00:12:00] load. Not that things change all the time, but just that their lives feel lighter and just sharing little knowledge, little tidbits that they can try to just lighten things up a little bit.
And I think I've always had a weird gift to keeping spaces clean. And I was, um, my husband and I are our ward activity people. And so we were, we just did a huge activity. And, you know, I, I can just stay on top of things a little bit easier than other people can, like I can clean and get the, you know, like clean all the crockpots of chili, so that people are taking clean crockpots home and not, you know, crusted over ones that they've got to deal with once they get home after they, you know, get the kids out of their costumes and stuff.
So I, I think I have a great gift for kind of organization and seeing a big picture and. And seeing the steps to take to get results. [00:13:00]
Candice Noss: I think it's so interesting, like, our gifts are, there's such a wide range of gifts, and I often think of that, saying this, like, when you ask a fish, what is water? They're like, I don't know what water is, because they're swimming in water, and they've never been without water.
Sherylee Kartchner: Yes.
Candice Noss: Often that's, like, what our gifts are. We're like, I don't know what my gift is because like our gift comes so natural to us, but what is so powerful to you does not come natural to a lot of people and have that ability to stay organized and clean and clutter free. And, um, it is, it is truly a gift.
And I love that you're sharing this with the world and helping everybody else so that they can cultivate homes where it's calm and organized and people can thrive. Now, have you had. Um, any turning points that have kind of led you in this direction, any, any ways where you've been taught some powerful lessons that [00:14:00] have pointed you this way?
Sherylee Kartchner: Oh, that is a tricky question. I think I've had a lot of turning points along the way and I, I kind of think of them as little pivots kind of, that have kind of like taken my life in directions. Um, you know, coming, Finding coaching has been a huge thing for me. It's given me confidence that I probably didn't have years ago to even feel like I had something to share with people.
And then, um, meeting amazing people like you, Candace, you've been such an inspiration and seeing you help women find, you know, their divine greatness. And, you know, and just my family, um, you know, I don't know, they just are so encouraging. I have an amazing husband who [00:15:00] tells me all the time, you know, you have so much to share and give.
So there's just been those few little pivots along the way, but in the last few years, it's been the coaching pivot. I think that's been the biggest thing for me.
Candice Noss: It makes managing your mind is a huge, huge piece and yeah, it's, it's powerful. So talk, let's talk about that for a second. Imposter syndrome comes up.
Um, you know, I talk about our lower brain and we have, you know, all of the negative voices I've taught. I call it my Cassandra comes in and starts telling us all this crap about ourselves. How do you shut those voices down? And what have you learned through your coaching to truly live with a mind firmly aligned to allow you to.
to really move forward in your mission.
Sherylee Kartchner: I have kind of a morning routine that I stick with, probably not including Saturdays and Sundays as much, just because, you know, they're a little bit, um, you kind of [00:16:00] get out of routine on those days, but I start my day, I get up and I start my day with a prayer and a thought download and some scriptures and some quiet time.
And then I love to get out in nature. I live somewhere where I can go walking all year long.
Candice Noss: Yes. Arizona, right? Yes.
Sherylee Kartchner: The summers are a little bit miserable. I go quite early and I'm always trying to find the shade, you know, the side of the street that has the shade. But, um, I think one of the biggest things for me has been the thought downloads in the mornings.
Because I could get caught up in my head and I wouldn't even recognize sometimes that the negative self talk that was in there, but getting that out, it's kind of like holding that beach ball underwater. You know, I would just hold things in and then I say to people and then you'll something like your husband sneezes loudly and that beach ball comes blowing up and he's like, I don't know what just happened, [00:17:00] but yeah.
And then I do listen to like great podcasts and, um, just try to keep my mind. in a great space.
Candice Noss: Those thought downloads, brain dumps, they truly allow us to think about what we're thinking about. So often we, we're so in our head that we don't realize that the thoughts aren't facts and that they don't even come from us.
That if we can get them out of our head onto paper, we can then actually see them for what they are and decide, does that serve me? Does that not serve me? And yeah, those thought downloads, those brain dumps. They are critical for being, for staying vigilant on our mind. And often we have so much coming at us that we don't realize that we can actually put thoughts in and decide how we want to think on purpose.
We're just in this reactionary mode instead of in this Intentional mode and Starting off [00:18:00] your day with that, you know the prayer the thought download setting an intention scripture study that aligns you Right away in this place where you're intentional and there's so much power to that. Thank you for sharing that
Sherylee Kartchner: I just let me just add not all of my thought downloads are negative stuff that I have to get out Sometimes I'm working on um Like trying to figure out why I'm feeling the way I'm feeling and just writing it out really helps.
And I think, I'm sure it was you that taught me to even write a prayer. So sometimes I write a prayer out and listen for the inspiration. So it's not always me. Needing to get out negative stuff. There's times that there's a few days back to back to back that it's, you know, I got some stuff going on that I need to work through, but sometimes it is a prayer or, um, just trying to understand why I'm feeling the way I'm feeling.
Candice Noss: There's so, there's so much power in that. And [00:19:00] I love writing, I call it writing letters to God, writing prayers out. And the, the cool thing that happens is. you write the prayer, you do whatever you can to tune in and to, you know, whether it's scripture study or, or listening to talks or podcasts, but then you actually write a letter back from God.
And when I first started doing this, I'm sure you too, I felt a little bit, um, what's the word presumptuous, God was going to say, but I just wrote what was in my heart and wrote what, what I believed God would say or what thoughts were coming to me and. As you go and read, you read back those letters to and from God, you know, even a couple hours later, it, it, it becomes clear to me that it wasn't from me.
Uh, have you, is that what you've experienced too? How has that process gone for you?
Sherylee Kartchner: Yes. When I have written a letter back, at first it felt really [00:20:00] weird, but what I realized is. Sometimes things that I thought were just me thinking was probably him answering because it was just a subtle thought that came to my mind.
So to sit quietly for a few minutes and write down those thoughts that came to my mind as a letter from God, it truly felt like a different experience. And it made me aware that I'm getting little answers all day. And not that you're brushing them away, but sometimes you're not recognizing the source.
Candice Noss: Yes. And giving them the full power that they deserve.
Sherylee Kartchner: Yeah.
Candice Noss: I love that. I love that so much. Okay. So you've got this mission. You've worked through all of the head hygiene so that you're moving forward. How have you, like, I talk about the mind, the body and the spirit. How has your body been involved in this?
And tell me how you live with a body purposefully [00:21:00] loved as you're striving to do this.
Sherylee Kartchner: I, okay, I, I've been very blessed to have a healthy body and it's something I'm trying not to take for granted, but I think we do, but I am trying to appreciate the body that I have, and I do like to exercise and I do like to move my body, but it doesn't mean I always have loved the way that my body looks.
And so I've been really, it's something that we have a little bit of control over, but you know, it's not like we all look different. We all have different shapes, heights, you know, I have just tried to really improve my relationship with my heavenly father and my savior. And that has helped me improve my relationship [00:22:00] with me and the body that I was blessed with and given has been the biggest key for me.
Candice Noss: Yeah, well, and our body truly is such an amazing gift. It is the vehicle that we use to perform our missions on this earth. I mean, you could never organize. a closet if you weren't able to stand up and actually pick up the things. And it takes a lot of physical effort. And I mean, the DIY projects that you talk about, painting a whole house, painting a wall, an accent wall, all of these things require a body that is, that is functioning and healthy and allows us to do this work.
So yeah, it's, it's imperative that we love, freaking love our amazing bodies, right? And, and show them the respect and appreciation that, that they deserve. Um, have you, has your body ever taught you anything? Um, has it ever been a source [00:23:00] of, of learning for you or anything there?
Sherylee Kartchner: Um, I, I'm really in tune.
Thanks to coaching to my inner spirit. Love, That's connected to my body. And what I have learned is those feelings that I have inside are what drives me to do things like to move my body. And so staying in tune with my spirit has really helped me, um, appreciate, I guess, the body that I have.
Candice Noss: Yes. Yes. It makes so much sense.
Yeah. And is there anything that you do specifically? I mean, we talked about your morning routine. Are there anything else that you do to really tune in spiritually?
Sherylee Kartchner: Oh, I, I [00:24:00] love, um, I'm not a huge yoga person. Like I don't, I love, I love yoga, but I don't like do classes and I haven't done a lot of training in meditation and yoga, but I do love to see what my body is capable of doing, like bending and stretching, and I think it's a time where you could have peace.
You know, I think that it's fun to go to a class and get the music going and pumping and stuff like that, but the quiet moments where, um, even after I've done some stretching after I've gone for a run and I kind of think of it like I have a little yoga routine that I do, and then I'm laying on my mat, just that peace and calm and appreciation of what I have been able to do feels amazing.
So good laying on the hard floor on a mat feels so good.
Candice Noss: It's so true. It's so true. Oh, well, so [00:25:00] with your, uh, new class that you just put together in your course, you've come up with so many ways to help people cultivate this. This beautiful home where we can nurture and thrive. What if you have one or two tips to give our listeners, um, what, what would you give them to help them in this way?
Sherylee Kartchner: I think the first tip is one space and step at a time. Like I love that. Just pick a space. It doesn't matter. I talk about pain points. Like what is your biggest pain point in the day? Is it getting the kids out to school out the door to school? Is it the after dinner route like after school routine and you get home and it's you got to make dinner?
find that one thing and Look for ways That [00:26:00] you can make things easier and better, whether it's planning ahead, putting something in the crock pot, doing some meal organization, finding the kid's shoes the night before, just those small, simple things. And what I've noticed, and I'm kind of in this right now because my life is a little bit different than it was a few years ago with meal planning, like it's just me and my husband and he travels a lot.
So sometimes it's just me. And I've got, I've, I noticed my brain the other day being like, I hate going to the grocery store. I hate trying to plan meals. I hate trying to figure this out because it's just the two of us and it felt different. And I want to eat a little healthier and I don't want to cook a big old pot of spaghetti that I need to fill up four hungry boys on like give them all the carbs to try to, you know, fill them up.
And what I noticed was. It's not that hard. I need to just sit down and decide what days of the week I'm cooking a meal. And then we have this luxury of [00:27:00] Pinterest and all of these other platforms where we can find simple solutions and look for a quick easy meal that I could make that's healthy and fast.
And I was so surprised how caught up in the, um, thinking it was so hard. And then once I took five minutes. To find one recipe, make my grocery list. It was so easy. It was so easy to come up with some ideas to make it not so hard. So find your pain point and then just one space and step at a time and realize that nobody's life or home looks the same.
So you get to decide what works for you.
Candice Noss: I love that so much. And I think we all have a lot of pain points that we can identify. And it's really easy for our brains to get overwhelmed. It's really easy to be like, Oh, it's just so hard. You know, and not, not really dive in anywhere, but when you [00:28:00] simplify it down to no, just one space, one step, that's it.
That is such great advice, such great advice.
Sherylee Kartchner: And once you see a result. I always say it's like small steps to big results. You get a big result and then all of a sudden you're like, okay, what's my next one? And over time you've created some great systems that help your life run more smoothly. Your family's life run more smoothly and your home feel less chaotic.
And it hasn't been an overhaul. It's just little steps along the way.
Candice Noss: I love that little by little a little becomes a lot and that momentum builds. And we can celebrate so many huge wins by just doing a little bit at a time. And I think the biggest one of all is a home that is thriving, where it is peaceful and calm, and you can feel the spirit and you can understand [00:29:00] those little promptings that come because you're not so caught up in the hustle and bustle of the chaotic, you know, frenetic pace that we're all a part of.
And it really is one space, one step at a time. Thank you so
Sherylee Kartchner: much. Oh, I was just going to say, you know what? If finding your kid's shoes in the morning are a headache and it just is a nightmare because you know how hard it is to find shoes when you're trying to get out
Candice Noss: first? Oh yes, it's,
Sherylee Kartchner: yes, many times.
But do you know how much easier it is the night before to find two matching shoes and put them by the door? It takes seconds. And it saves a lot of heartache for you, for your kids. Cause I don't know if you're the type that if you start to feel overwhelmed and frustrated, cause you're trying to get out the door, then you're snapping.
And you're, you know, you're not happy with yourself because the way you've reacted to your kids, as you rushed out the door, you know, it just, it's like a whole [00:30:00] circle of beautifulness. If you just do little small things.
Candice Noss: Yeah. Well, I mean, our goal is to show up in alignment with our highest self. And it becomes so hard to stay in that place where your higher brain's driving, where you're intentional and you're operating in high vibe from emotions like love, faith, gratitude, grace, abundance, excitement.
It's really hard to operate there when there's so much chaos and there's just craziness happening.
Sherylee Kartchner: And
Candice Noss: that's when we start to snap at our kids and that's when we drop into survival mode and our lower brain driving. And that's when we sabotage. All of what we want to create in our life and in our homes.
So then
Sherylee Kartchner: that's when our brain starts filling us with all those thoughts of like, Oh, you're such a horrible person or mom or, you know, whatever. And we, you know, then our day just, you know, off a little bit smoother.
Candice Noss: I think you're, you're offering such a secret weapon to truly living in [00:31:00] alignment and that's by creating a space where there's peace and calm.
Sherylee Kartchner: In my course, I included a workbook, um, So that there's for each module, there's like a little breakdown of what you can quickly see in there, but there's also some guides in there. And I just threw a lot in just for ideas, because sometimes we get stuck in overwhelm. And we're like, I don't even know where to start.
I don't even know what to do. Like, one of them is a, 30 day declutter guide and it only takes 15 minutes and you just can pick one like, Oh, the junk drawer. I can do that. Or my kid's sock drawer go throughout all the socks that have no matches or are have holes in it. You know, like just simple things because we can be so overwhelmed by everything that we want to do and need to do that.
We can even see, you know, the light at the end of the tunnel and that there's just small things we can do to make a big difference.
Candice Noss: Yes, I love [00:32:00] that 30 day declutter guide of just 15 minutes, 30 days, how over time, how much that is going to make such a big difference.
Sherylee Kartchner: Yeah. There's even another one that's like 13, I think it's 30 things to toss in 30 days.
So, you know, there's lots of ideas and I don't expect that anybody's going to be like, Oh, I want to do that. And that, and that, and that I'm hoping it's more just like little ideas along the way, like little breadcrumbs that will help them make steps forward. All the amazing women make step forward. Steps forward.
Candice Noss: Yeah. And I think so much. We, we hold on to things. We have attachments to things that keep us stuck because we're just holding on to so much that there's no room for new to come in. And when we can get rid of things and, and really decide, is this serving me? Is this not? Do I really need this? Will I ever use this?
I've got so many spaces right now that are coming to me that I need to go
Sherylee Kartchner: declutter. And I'm a [00:33:00] firm believer that freeing up space in our homes frees up space in us. Like it really just does. I decluttered, I had one closet left that I, one of my goals this year was like to kind of go through my whole house and declutter stuff.
And I had one closet it had like winter coats in it, which I don't need a lot of winter coats here in Arizona. But we do need them because we do travel a little bit. And I pulled out a few things and I had a tote on a shelf and it had like mittens and scarves and, and I do want to keep some but I don't need 20 because I don't.
Use mittens and scarves that often. So yeah. And it, and I, I don't know, there's something about donating stuff that feels so good. It's like an adrenaline rush. Not that you're giving, but just you're freeing space up and offering it out to the world to give to somebody else. Or if it's trash, because the seam is ripped open, it's just trash, you know, just get it out.[00:34:00]
Candice Noss: There's so much to that. It's interesting. I do. And. I do humanitarian work and once a year we do this clothing drive and I gather clothing and we turn it into the Big Brothers Big Sisters Foundation and they end up paying us per pound of clothing so that it's our big fundraiser event for the whole year and I gather so many bags of clothes and from just my little area.
I mean, my whole, I fill up a, uh, a three horse trailer full of bags of clothes. I mean, so many clothes we live in such. An abundant society. We have so much abundance and we have so much that we don't need and being able to get rid of that and really live. I mean, we don't need to be completely minimalistic, but we don't need to keep things that we're not using.
And there's such power in getting rid of those attachments and allowing them the space for, for what truly can serve.
Sherylee Kartchner: Yeah. I mean, and our [00:35:00] kids grow so fast and with the seasons, like the jurors can just get. Stuffed with stuff. And we, you know, we don't even realize it until we start pulling stuff out.
And you're like, this shirt hasn't fit in months or I don't know. It just, it feels so light to me. Like I, I feel lighter when I load up something and take it to Goodwill or DI or whatever it, in fact, one of my key things is to always have a donation space. Like spot pile in your home. So when you come across something, you can just throw it there.
And then when the pile gets a little bit bigger, load it up in your car and another key drive straight there. Don't drive around with it in the back of your car for weeks. Then your car is weighed down. So
Candice Noss: I love it. Oh, well, it has been so wonderful to speak with you about these important things and to see you out there fulfilling your mission.
Following those crumbs, doing what [00:36:00] you were meant to do here. Is there anything on your heart that you would just like to share with us as we, as we wrap up?
Sherylee Kartchner: I just would love to drive home that. We're all unique and we're all different and that's the way it's supposed to be. So don't think that your home needs to look and function like my home.
I just would love your home to function the best way it can and so, you know, the comparison sometimes we get caught up in with social media, it's I mean, it's on our phones. It's so easy to compare, but it's not supposed to look the same. And just know what you see on social media, media is not even true.
As a content creator, trust me, I'm staging things to look a certain way. It doesn't mean it always looks that way. So just find in you what will bring you peace and happiness. Not what you think it needs to look like so that it fits into a mold that doesn't even [00:37:00] exist. It's not even real.
Candice Noss: Well said. Well said.
Well, tell us really fast, Shirley, how can they find you? How can they find your course?
Sherylee Kartchner: Okay, so my course, I have a website, it's called Cultivate Home and Life, so cultivatehomeandlife. com and I have blog posts on there and I, like right now, if you go, I'm not sure when this is going to be shared, but there's going to be a lot of Christmas content on there, but I try to share different things from my course on there.
But I actually have a discount code for your audience. And so I've sent you the link for that. So you can get, I think it's a little more than half off of the course. So if you go to that direct link, you can find it. Um, or there's the link on my court or on my website. And then all of my socials are cultivate home and life.
You can find me on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest. I even have some Tik TOK stuff on there. I don't use that one as much. I find that [00:38:00] one a little. I don't know. I don't love it as much. So, but yeah, you can find me there and I mean, reach out. I would love to share anything. If there's struggles, if you're wondering how to make something work for your family, I would love to share different ideas.
that have worked for me or things I haven't tried that maybe, you know, you could try. So
Candice Noss: I love it. Well, thank you so much. I will make sure to put all of that in the show notes. So just check the show notes and I'll put that link there and how generous thank you for, for that generous code. And I just have loved having you.
Thank you so much for being here.
Sherylee Kartchner: Well, thank you for letting me share what I love, and I appreciate you so much. Your podcast is amazing.
Candice Noss: Thank you.
Thanks everyone for joining me today. Isn't Cheralee just a beacon of peace and calm? She exudes it. No wonder her mission is to help others thrive by creating peace and [00:39:00] calm in their living spaces. Truly one of the most powerful secret weapons to living a life in high vibe where we thrive and show up in alignment is Intentionally creating an environment of peace and calm in our home I am thrilled that she is offering us half off of her course Chaos to calm cultivate home and life one space and one step at a time Truly, Cheralee has some incredible ideas that will allow us by small and simple steps to achieve big wins in our home.
I loved what she shared about her tricks for mind body spirit alignment. It truly is all about living with a mind firmly aligned, a body purposefully loved, and a spirit powerfully accessed. If you are interested in learning more about this mind body spirit alignment, sign up for my free mini course.
It's called Five Days of Focus. It will help you become the boss of your brain. Find it in the show notes. And remember, in whatever place or circumstances you find yourself, own your divine greatness and [00:40:00] use that greatness to do the good in this world like only you can. You are designed for greatness.