25. Connecting to God's Love and Light with Vincent Tolman
Candice Noss: [00:00:00] Hello and welcome to the design for greatness podcast conversations with canvas to help you elevate your mind, body and spirit and own your divine greatness. Today you have episode number 25 connecting to God's love and light with Vincent Tolman. You guys, I love near death experiences. In fact, when I was in middle school, I did my very first research project on near death experiences.
I can still remember making note cards and I am thrilled, absolutely thrilled to have Vincent Tolman with us. Um, spirituality is so incredible and the implications of Having someone that has experience going beyond the veil and coming back and dissecting everything that they experienced. It is just, I am riveted.
I'm so excited for what we have to come today. Vincent has a podcast or a book called light after death. And I absolutely loved it. When I read it, I immediately wanted [00:01:00] to have him on my podcast, but I really wasn't sure how to make that happen. Um, and then I met his cousin at a Idaho women's expo, and I was talking about things that I'm passionate about.
And I'm like, Hey, have you heard of Vincent Tolman? He had a really cool near near death experience. And he's like. Oh my gosh, he's my cousin. Anyway, we connected and, um, he, he was kind of like a really neat push to get Vincent on this podcast. So, so excited. Vincent is truly living into his greatness as he shares his story and how to truly live in God's light.
So I'm going to give you a quick bio about Vincent and then we'll just dive in. At 25, Vincent Tolman was found dead in the bathroom of a small restaurant. He had been dead for over half an hour. He was later revived out of a body bag, and then he awoke three days later from a coma. So I am so excited for him to share a little bit about his experience and to just [00:02:00] teach us all about spirituality and how to truly live into our purpose.
So thanks for being here, Vinny.
Vincent Tolman: Yeah, thank you so much for having me, Candice. I'm excited to be here.
Candice Noss: Yeah. Well, why don't we just dive in and kind of give us a quick synopsis of your, of your experience, and then you just kind of get into some principles and, and teachings about how to truly connect to God's love and light.
Vincent Tolman: Absolutely. So, um, I'm Vinny, or Vincent, and, um, I had a near death experience back in 2003. Technically, it's called an ADE, or after death experience, because I'm one of the few, uh, which there's, there, it's a growing few of us out there, but I'm one of the few that was revived out of the body bag.
Um, I had aspirated and I was found in a public bathroom in a Dairy Queen. Um, and I was found about 30 to 45 minutes after I had passed. Um, I had started to turn cold. The, uh, [00:03:00] responding medics who came to get me, they, uh, they attempted resuscitation. They were unable to, uh, resuscitate the body in any way.
So they did bag the body. They put the body in, uh, the back of an ambulance. And they put a rookie in the back of the ambulance to babysit the body while they got, uh, different statements filled out by witnesses and by the manager of the Dairy Queen. Uh, about 45 minutes after that, they had left the scene and they were driving down the street when the rookie medic felt something come over him to tell him that he needed to try some more.
He felt it a couple of times. After the second time he felt it, he did go ahead and open that body bag and begin feeling for any sign of life. He didn't feel any, but he persisted. He went to the femorial artery, which is the artery on the leg. And when he went there, he felt kind of a [00:04:00] spark or a shock in his body.
And to him, that was enough of a sign that he wanted to try to, you know, attempt resuscitation. So he did. He hooked up a defib. He hooked up some oxygen on the lung and put them in the lungs. And he was able to get the heart to come back after two rounds of shocks, or at least for for a single heartbeat, he got better.
the heart to come back for a single heartbeat. And then on the third round of shocks, he got the heart to come back, um, faintly, but, but steadily. And, uh, one of the miracles to all of this is not just this rookie listening to his intuition itself, but But, um, the fact that the heart started within a, about a hundred feet from a hospital.
So they were able to, to go directly to the hospital where there was a trauma team there and they were ready to meet the body and, and start working on it and try to bring back all the other systems. That's where my story begins, [00:05:00] uh, at least my current chapter of my story. I was witnessing everything from above.
I didn't know it was me, I really didn't know it was me, not until they transferred the body over to the medical gurney in the hospital and they had to strap the body down because it was going into seizures and that's when I realized it was me because I felt somebody strapping me down where I was. The hard part to equate it is how could someone be sitting there watching their own body and not know it's them?
This is the way I describe it to people. It's kind of like pulling up to a stoplight. And you look over, and there's your car, and there's somebody driving it who looks just like you. But you know it's not you, because you're in your car. And that's what it felt like. Like, I knew for a fact it wasn't me, because me was up here, and I was watching everything from above.
But at the same right, Eventually, it, it dawned on me as I was feeling someone strapping me [00:06:00] down where I was, uh, and I was also witnessing them strap down the body. So with all of that, I began to have this process of, of what some might call the life review where I started to feel so ignorant, so dumb, how could I not know I was dead this whole time?
Um, at this point it had been at least an hour and a half, maybe longer. And I was thinking, how could I be so ignorant? And that's when I started to see anything bad that I ever did in my life. And I mean anything, anything from my earliest childhood memories up to the current day back then, I saw everything that I ever did bad.
Um, I also saw it from the perspective of those who I had impacted in a negative way. And that's when I had this thought, like, why do I even exist? If this is the epitome of Vinny, why do I exist? And as soon as I had that thought, this warmth started to overtake me. And [00:07:00] with that warmth, I felt supreme unconditional love.
And then I started to go back and see everything that I ever did that was good. And there was so much more good than I ever did. And I also got to see when I, I didn't even know I was doing good and I was impacting others in a positive way. So I got to kind of see the butterfly effect essentially. And when I got to the end of that, I realized that this love, it was coming from behind me.
So I turned around and I saw This God like figure just standing there loving me and just beaming this huge smile and my first thought was, this is God. And instantly, as soon as I had that thought, I heard in someone else's voice in my mind, I heard, no son, I'm not God. And I remember when that first happened, I was like, what?
How did that happen? I, I just heard someone [00:08:00] else's voice inside my head. Then I realized. That I'd been hearing everyone's voices the whole time since I had, had passed, since I had left my body, I was hearing everyone's voices. And then I, I actually realized I could hear the voices of everyone in the, the, the Dairy Queen I was found out, the medics that, that were taking my body, even the, the intake personnel as they were taking the body in.
And, and I, I realized that there's, there's a form of communication that when we tune in correctly, we can hear just simple thought. And, and I'm looking at this guy and I, I'm thinking, well, if you're not God, like what are the other options? You know? I didn't recognize him. I'd never seen him before. So my follow up thought was, are you Jesus?
And he, he just continued to beam at me and he said, no son, I'm not Jesus. He said, I'm your, I'm your guide. I'm here to [00:09:00] help you go wherever you want to go. And he said that his friends called him by the name Drake, so I could call him Drake if I wanted to. And so I said, okay, Drake, you know, let's, let's do this.
And he said, um, well, where would you like to go? Do you want to go back to your body? Or, uh, is there anywhere else you want to go? And for a millisecond, I was thinking of all the other places in the universe that I knew, which was none, because I only knew this side, right? But I had this part of my brain like anywhere in the universe.
And I was a bit of a, an astrology or astronomy nerd. And I was thinking of like the Helix Nebula. I was thinking of the Horsehead Nebula. I was thinking of all these beautiful places out in space, deep, far out into space. But then I realized that this tremendous love. That I was feeling, it had to come from somewhere.
The, the way that we know that energy can't be [00:10:00] created or destroyed, I knew that this love had to be coming from somewhere. So I asked Drake, I go, hey, I want to go wherever this love is coming from, this powerful energy that's coming through you. I want to go wherever that comes from. And he got very excited and said, well, that comes from your home and my home.
So let's go home. And I said, let's do it. So we went on our journey, um, for three days. I was brain dead. And during those three days, I was going on this journey with Drake. Um, after I woke up, I, you know, I, I got towards the end of my journey and I woke up, I woke up in the hospital and, um, had a really, really rough time for the next few months.
I wanted to end my life. I wanted to just get back home. I didn't want to be here anymore. And one of the last things Drake said to me before I came back was, he said, [00:11:00] it's going to be really hard, but it's going to be worth it. And I kept hearing that. I, I heard it so many thousands of times as I was trying to survive and thrive and find new levels of happiness that I, I didn't know anymore because ever since you, ever since you go to heaven, it's really hard for this life to compete against that.
It's really, really hard. In fatherhood, in marriage, and certain little windows of light, you get little glimpses of what heaven is, but heaven is consistent and constant, and such a vast force of love. So I was missing all of that when I did end up meeting my wife, and that changed everything. I started to see life.
Through the eyes of heaven, through the eyes of optimism, through new opportunity, new growth, and new, [00:12:00] new levels of expansion for my soul. And, um, she convinced me to go to a little reunion with lots of my cousins out in Wyoming. And while I was there, um, the little town of Afton, Wyoming put on a play, kind of a play and a presentation of the history of the town.
And in that process, up comes a picture of Drake. And it floored me. I couldn't speak. I started to cry. I started to weep. I recognized his last name. It said Kazair, but it said his name was Charles. It didn't say his name was Drake. And that upset me because I'm like, why would I know him by the wrong name?
So we went directly to my grandmother's house right after this happened. And I walked in and I said, Grandma, Grandma, tell me about this Charles Kazair. Tell me about him. I need to know about him. I know him. And I don't know. If you know why [00:13:00] I know him, but I know him and her exact response was, Oh, you mean great grandpa Drake.
He's kind of famous. And I lost it again, just started to weep. Come to find out, he was known as Drake to his family and to his very, very close friends. But professionally, um, even in the government, because he worked in government as well as, um, local politics, as well as clergy. He worked in church as well.
Um, he was always known as Charles by his first name. So, you know, it was a, a little miracle for me. To realize that my experience was something real. It was not some delusion that neurologists tried to convince me of. It was something very real, and I started to treat it as such, to honor it, to love it, to respect it.
And I, in the beginning, I only would share it here and there with like church groups or small family groups. But over the years, I, I got used to sharing it [00:14:00] with bigger and bigger and bigger groups, uh, until I've been in, on audiences where there's been millions of people watch it. So, um, it's, it's been a, A beautiful experience to go through.
Hardest thing I ever did, but it's definitely, like Drake said, it's been worth it. It's been hard, but it's been definitely worth it. And that's my experience. That's kind of the gist of it. Of course, there's so much more to the details, and especially more to what Drake taught me as I was trying to climb my way into heaven.
But it was an overall absolutely amazing experience. It changed my life. On January 18th, which we're coming right up on it, it's going to be my 22nd year of I call it my death aversary. My death aversary is January 18th. So, coming right up on it.
Candice Noss: That's incredible. Your book, Light After Death, is [00:15:00] awesome.
And I would just encourage anyone that wants the details of this near death experience to go to that book. I listened to it on Audible, and I actually listened to it In the past two days, just to prepare for our, our, um, our interview. And I just, I love it. There's so many powerful troops that you get into and it's an empowering story.
It's an inspiring story. And I. I'm just in awe at all that you've gone through in order to, um, come back and I feel like you have a wealth of information and a wealth of knowledge now to share with the world and to help us all who desire so much spirituality and desire so much to connect with, with God and with our, our spirit guides and our angels.
And, um, and so that, that brings me to my first question, Drake. I mean, amazing. I love that that was such a validation to you that what you experienced was real. And then I, in the book you speak of actually, um, coming across a blessing that someone had given to, to Drake that talked [00:16:00] about him being a guide, which was another validation of, yes, what you experienced was real and important.
Vincent Tolman: Yeah, we got to, we got to stay with my grandmother right after we got married, um, just for a few months. She, she wanted to live out the rest of the end of her life at, in her home. So my wife and I moved in to help take care of her and, and facilitate that. And in doing that, we were able to find a, a family blessing, like a special prayer that was given to him.
And it was all recorded and written down, and it talked about. His duties in this life, in this, this, the life here on earth. But then it talked a whole page about what his duties would be in the afterlife. And one of those duties would be to be a, a, a guide and a guardian to help people, um, essentially cross the veil.
Cross from, um, this side of consciousness into our, our eternal consciousness. Yeah.
Candice Noss: So incredible. So [00:17:00] how do you recommend we connect with our guides? I mean, help us understand how that works and what that looks like.
Vincent Tolman: In religion, we have something called Holy Ghost, um, or Holy Spirit. And what that is, that is God's love and care for us, specifically.
And, um, the same way that angels come and minister to us in many different ways, that they're ministering to us through that love that God has for us, right? And that love is palpable and powerful, and it comes in many different forms. the same way that we can be blessed in many different directions by God, that that love comes from many different places.
So, it comes from ancestors, it comes from actual angels. It comes from what I call guardians, [00:18:00] protectors, a soul family, spirit family, um, there's a thing over there that they call oversoul. It's kind of like a gathering of many of the souls that are alike. And there's even, um, special helpers that come from the oversoul too.
So there's, um, a tremendous amount of help coming through if you're willing to look for it and receive it. And, you know, I personally refer to those as my guides because anything that steps from a higher place of love than I exist in, I consider that a higher force, a higher place. I'll listen to that.
Now, in the same realm of sensitivity, there's also fear. influencers too. So, you know, there's, there's fear messages, there's, uh, worry messages, there's, there's all sorts of dark information that can come too. [00:19:00] Um, I choose personally not to listen to that at all. I turn away from that. If it's coming from a place higher than the amount of love that I know, I know it is a safe source.
I know it is a beautiful source. It only comes from a higher place. Um, so I, I do check once in a while as I'm receiving information, receiving communication. I check it to my own, um, love barometer. And as long as I know it's consistently coming from a higher love, a love higher than what I can, I could contain in me, I know it's a safe source for me.
Yeah. So that's, it's kind of a complicated but simple way of, of, uh, portraying it. Now in, in uniform religion, they call that the Holy Ghost. It could be any number of different, um, spirits, souls, angels, guardians, even protectors stepping into that role. And they're using the Holy Ghost, which is God's love [00:20:00] for us.
That's what that is. And they're using that to help us. Yeah. Does that make sense? Yeah.
Candice Noss: Yeah, sort of. Yeah, it's really cool to be, to put it in those terms. I've always felt, for me, that I want to tune into anything that's 100 percent focused on Jesus Christ. Um, how does Jesus tune into all of that?
Vincent Tolman: So, essentially, if you take all the love that God has for us, And you also combine it with all the grace God has for us.
That essentially creates Christ. That is the Christ. That is the anointing. Christ means anointing. Um, a lot of people, not a lot of people, some people get after me that I don't, credit Christ in my near death experience and Here's the thing Christ showed up in the love that I was experiencing in the experience but [00:21:00] not by name and not by image of his face, but in in afterthought and in Meditation of what happened through my experience.
There's no question that that love that I was feeling coming from Drake was the Christ It was that unconditional grace filled love that God has for all of us. Um, but I, I do worship, me personally, I don't broadcast that everyone else has to do this, but me personally, I do worship Christ by his real name, by Yeshua.
Um, not his, his made up name that was given to him over 150 years after he, he was resurrected. Um, I, I do worship Him under Yeshua, as, because that's His name, that's the name. If you called Yeshua when He was alive, He would turn and look at you, um, and, and so to me, that's the way I make Him alive in my daily life, is I work with the real Yeshua.[00:22:00]
And um, it's, it's very different than the religious version, because you, you get to know there's a very strong power in the Yeshua, in the Christ. a power that, uh, is beyond religion. That the, the love and grace that comes through the Yahshua, it, you can find it in someone who's a Buddhist, a, uh, a Muslim, a Christian, a Jew.
It doesn't matter. That power is so strong and the grace is so strong. And when people ask me, well, how can you say that? How can you do this? How can you do that? I say this, the example of how much grace God has for us. At the very moment. The Yeshua was on the cross. He could have shown his power. He could have shown the power of God in him by bringing down lightning [00:23:00] and, and bringing down the, the wrath and the force of God.
But what did the Yeshua do was with the very last energy in his body, he begged for the forgiveness of his murderers. That's the grace of God.
But Yeshua is very real for me. Yeah. Very real. Amen. Amen.
Candice Noss: Yeah, I, um, my, my personal barometer is, is it 100 percent focused on Christ? And if it is, then, then I, then I'm, then I'm open and willing and hoping and trying to receive. Um, so through Christ, through the love of God, through the Holy Ghost, we're able to receive spirit guides and angels and ancestors and helpers.
Um, How, how can we do that more readily, more openly? How can we develop our spiritual communication and our spiritual gifts so that we [00:24:00] can really access the things that they have to help us with?
Vincent Tolman: Well, the biggest mistake that we make as individuals is we don't give space for God. And when I say God, I mean, um, the, one of the oldest names for God is Abun.
It's the Aramaic name for God, and in fact, Christ himself would use sometimes the Greek name for God, but he would use the name Abun quite oftenly. Um, the Lord's Prayer, he, he spoke the Lord's Prayer in Aramaic first. And to me, Abun is the greatest, closest matching to the God I experienced. Um, when you translate that, abwun means, um, cosmic birther of life and light.
And to me, it's the epitome of the divine masculine and divine feminine. [00:25:00] And when we worship a Heavenly Father, personally, I feel it's only worshiping half the abwun. Because for us to be working with the abwun, the highest form of divinity in Christianity, Um, you have to, to see that it is the Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother together.
That it's the, the, the balance of the two. Because to worship only one is to only worship half. Yeah.
Candice Noss: Uh, I love that you brought that up. I, I know Elohim is actually plural, it, it, it is Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. And so when we refer to God, we can actually refer to them, um,
Vincent Tolman: Yeah, the Elohim, the Seraphim, the Cherubim, um, they're all plural.
Yeah. Yeah. But what's, what's beautiful is Christ himself, um, who didn't have an earthly father, who didn't have a masculine earthly, only had a divine masculine, [00:26:00] was, was born, um, into the Virgin Mary, into the feminine. And so to me, I love that Christ to me is an example of the balance of the masculine feminine coming into divinity here.
And that's why. When you watch how he treated his apostles and his followers, he didn't seek out to put one above another ever, ever. And in fact, there's many records that show that. just in the last 20 years have come to light that refer to, um, two quorums of 12. And that's a whole nother thing to get into.
Yeah. And what's really neat though, is Christ, uh, really sought to give, um, equal parcel, um, to Mary Magdalene as one of his advocates, one of his representatives. And a lot of people don't know, but Mary [00:27:00] Magdalene went on to France and started a monastery, started a church, and started working a little bit with John and Joseph of Arimathea, and started a lot of the Christian ministry there in France, and even had her own cave and her It's pretty, it's pretty amazing, but, but I'm getting off track a little bit.
It's just a matter of understanding that, um, Christ is this, this tremendous, powerful example of the balance of the masculine feminine. It's
Candice Noss: beautiful. It's so beautiful. I've read the, the Gospel of the Beloved Companion, and that's, um, Mary Magdalene, her gospel, and
Vincent Tolman: Yes.
Candice Noss: It's so beautiful, and it's, it's so neat, and it's awesome, and I think there's a lot of Divine Feminine that, that has been lost and that has been, um, that is now coming [00:28:00] to light, actually.
And it's such an exciting time. And there's,
Vincent Tolman: there's more to come. There's more to come. There's quite a bit more that's going to be coming. Um, there was over, uh, 3, 100 known scrolls. in the Bible at one time. 3100. In the official canon, there was more than 3100 initially, but that's what, that's what triggered the Council of Nicaea.
is so that they could narrow that down to a bit more official canon. Now, after the Council of Nicaea, there was still more than 300 books, 300 scrolls. Since then, they whittled it down to about 151, and then since then, they whittled it down to 88. And just in the last 200 years, They whittled it from the 88 book Bible down to the 66 book Bible.
That's the King James Version we have today, is the 66 book Bible. 200 years ago, the Ethiopian Bible that [00:29:00] is still the same, unchanged, from 200 years ago, from over 200 years ago, that has the 88 books, has all 88. So um, what I love is God, our Creator, our Abun, is going to be bringing forward more of those divine lost books.
We'll see them. They're coming. They, they are coming so fast. Some of them are here. They just can't be officially recognized because they're coming through people, not through God. But, um, I feel there will be a time where they become discovered or, or they come through the right people. Maybe, I don't know.
But there's, there will be those books coming back, 100%. And, and maybe it's, they're coming in the hands of angels.
Candice Noss: I'm excited for it. Did you see that in your near death experience? Did you see future things? I do
Vincent Tolman: see that we have a complete fullness of truth on earth in [00:30:00] the future. Um, people don't have to embrace it, but the fullness will be here.
And then it's up to them, whether they embrace that fullness or not. And when I say fullness, I mean, total fullness, the absolute truth, the truths that heaven has. The, the truth that this earth has not had in quite a few epochs. It's been a very, very long time since this earth has had that amount of truth all at once.
And, and those will be here on in place for, for the masses or the minis for the, for the macro and the micro it's, it's for both. It's going to be for all of us, depending on what we do with it, you know, we can, we can find truth and throw it away, or we can find truth, hold it close to our heart and follow it.
And to me, that's the, that's the route to go.
Candice Noss: Yeah. For sure. That's the route. So. What do you, I mean, man, we can go in so many different directions. I [00:31:00] know in your near death experience, you talked about you would go with Drake and then you'd feel some resistance and you had to, um, forgive or let go of a false belief or do something to raise your vibration in order to continue to learn.
And I feel like in our lives here in our mortal human humaneness, we often hold on to unforgiveness. We often hold on to grudges or resistance.
Vincent Tolman: It's funny because Christ, Christ taught us, Christ himself, the Yeshua, Yeshua taught us that we don't find salvation in the Pharisees, in the Sadducees, in the Sanhedrin.
Where do we find salvation? We find it in the Bible. Within the keys to the kingdom are within, not without within. So Christ was coming in answer to the Sadducees, the Pharisees, the Sanhedrin. He was coming to answer to those, to them and also the clerics saying, God is here. God is [00:32:00] not some outside force that you need to go find through this and that and that and hurdles and following this um, curriculum, it is something that you find within you activate within.
And I love that because in the future, that's the only place we're going to find God. That's also the only place we're going to find the real Yeshua is inside. And when the Yeshua shows up in a lot of us, then we're going to see the Yeshua show up in the physical again, too. Yeah,
Candice Noss: there's a, there's a quote in your book where you say, on the other side, you can see God as an outward manifestation.
On this side, you have to connect with God within yourself. And then you can connect with the divine in everyone and everything and everyone else. How do you suggest we do that? How do we connect?
Vincent Tolman: Well, it's, so if you go to the Hebrew word for God, um, I'll, I'll butcher the, the Hebrew version, but it's [00:33:00] Yathweh or Yathweh.
and or Yahweh, you know, they say Yahweh as the short version. Um, essentially it means the one who can't be named, because in Judaism they can't give a name to something, then it becomes an idol, right? So they, they would, officially, unofficially call God the one who can't be named. What's neat, though, is if you take that back to Aramaic, and even to the oldest form of speaking, even in Assyria, you find that that term, Yahweh, It ends up meaning breath, it means flow, it means the flow of energy, and that's another meaning to Yahweh.
And to me, that's where we go to find God, is we start with our breath. Is Yahweh. We, you know, in, in our, our world, we pull up to the, let's, [00:34:00] let's pretend we're going to Starbucks, whether you drink Starbucks or not. Let's pretend you're going there. You order your food or your drink, then you drive straight home and you complain that you never got what you ordered.
That is prayer in most religions. Because to get what you are asking for, what must you do? Stop and wait. And wait to receive and be in a, a, a quiet presence ready to receive to get what you're asking for. So you pull up to that Starbucks, you order your stuff, you pull up to the window and you, you wait.
You take a few moments until what? Until you receive what you're asking for, and then you go home. So too many of us, we do our prayers, we do our meditations, and then we quickly go about our day without giving any time for answers. But the answers are there. We've got to give them time to come through to us.[00:35:00]
Uh, for some of us, we also need to give space for it to come through. We have to turn away from our technology for 15 minutes. And quietly breathe, quietly, uh, bring the name Yahweh, you know, the inhale of YAH, the exhale of WEH, the,
like, give yourself some time to breathe and receive the answer. Now are you going to receive the answer you want? Not all the time. A lot of the time you will receive answers. And, if you can receive half of your prayers answered, is that going to make life better? Absolutely. Absolutely. If you could even get 10 percent of your prayers answered, is that going to make life better?
Absolutely. So, don't rush about your day. Have your prayers. Have your, your, um, supplication. Have your scripture [00:36:00] study. Whatever you do for your spiritual regimen, but make sure you give yourself some quiet time to listen. To God, to listen to the ab wum, yeah,
Candice Noss: I love that. So, so part of what I teach is to live with a mind that's firmly aligned.
Um, and to me, the mind is the battlefield. The heart is the prize, but the mind is the battlefield and that's where the battle takes place for our hearts. And a lot of times when people meditate or they pray and then they're quiet, They have a hard time stilling their mind. Their mind just goes all over the place.
Crazy. And we know that we have so many influences on our thoughts. We are not the sole source of our thoughts. In fact, we're actually like the referee that says, this is the thought that I will, I will tune into, but there's so many coming at us. What do you propose would be the very best way to help us live with that mind that's [00:37:00] firmly aligned, aligned to God, aligned to Yahweh, aligned to Yeshua.
Vincent Tolman: One thing that helps me is I look at what I really am. I am not this body that's sitting here talking to you. I am also not the consciousness that is kind of deciding on what to say and what not to say with you today. I am something actually higher than that. I am the soul. I am the spirit that is going through the consciousness to be present in the body.
That means there's three aspects to me. There's my conscious, my, my spirit, my soul. There's my consciousness. And then there's my body self, right? So there's three very distinct selves inside every single one of us. And the one that gets really loud and chatty is the body self. and the [00:38:00] consciousness. Those are the two that want to chat it up, talk about things, worry about things.
That's when you have to realize that, that you have to activate the, the soul, the spirit, the higher self, and put it in control. And not forever, but you need to say, hey guys, you know, for me, that's what I say. Hey guys, hey consciousness, hey body, we're going to slow down our thinking about anything else.
We're going to clear the stage. I, I look, the, the mind is like a stage. We're going to clear the stage completely. We're going to open up the back curtain of the stage. And we're going to sit in a chair back there and just see what shows up. We're not going to create the play. We're not going to say anything.
We're going to be the observer of what shows up. And when you, when I do that, it, it makes it so much easier. Now, when I first started doing this, I would have to count my breaths because that was, that's like putting training wheels on your meditation. [00:39:00] Count your breaths. And when you're counting your breaths in, you're counting your breaths out, it gives your mind something to do that's kind of mundane.
And that allows you to go sit in that chair at the back of the stage and watch the play happen from behind. Does that make sense? Yeah.
Candice Noss: Yeah. When I first started meditating, I actually. Um, with every breath in, I would say, I love and accept you, Candice. And with every breath out, I would say, I love and accept you, Candice.
And as I was doing this, different thoughts would come where like, can you love and accept this part of you? And I would have to like, make peace with that piece and love it. And then other parts would come in where it'd be like, yeah, I did that. Like, go me. And, but that little, that exercise of breathing. I love and accept you Candice with every breath in and every breath out while I was watching what, what my mind brought to me and then repenting, right, like turning, turning it back, um, allowing that to then go to [00:40:00] like, forgive me for that part.
I, I want to do this better and also celebrate for this. Um, but anyway, that, that was a huge piece that let me. able to become that observer of my thoughts. A lot of times I believe that our mind and you, you kind of called it our consciousness. It just wants to be heard like a toddler. Like, Hey, Hey, this is important.
Do you hear me? Hey, Hey. And I noticed if I give it just a little validation, like I hear you, we're not going to concentrate on that, but I hear you. And, and I often teach my clients to name their lower brain. I call it their lower brain. Um, because we access through our higher consciousness, through a higher brain, that's where we access our spirit.
Uh, but naming that, I know you said, okay, quiet down mind, quiet down body. When we actually talk back to those parts of us, we, we do gain so much control over that. And it's. So what's
Vincent Tolman: neat is as you get used to it, so there's three [00:41:00] degrees of view, right? Consciousness and body, or physical self, right? So there's those three, and then each one of those three has a three.
So if you get into the individual, you can realize just the body voice, the bottom of the body voice, is the ego. That's the edging God out. That's the, the trying to keep things in balance with spirit, with with higher self, right? And at the top of the body, would be almost intuitive as far as wanting to take care of the body, make it healthy, make it last a lot longer than it can.
So there's three parts even to the body self, there's three parts to the consciousness self, and then there's even three parts to your higher self. And all they are, are little tack points on what is there. of, of little plateaus in existence, in, [00:42:00] in, in the energy that makes you up, that makes us who we are.
And to me, it's almost like there's three threads that are feeding into each level of what we are. And those three threads combine to make three threads. Yeah.
Candice Noss: Yeah, love it. That's amazing. Um, so we, we spoke a little bit about the body. You're talking about the body a little bit and another part of the, what I'm so passionate about is first living with a mind that's friendly aligned with a body that's purposefully loved.
To me, what I've come to understand is our body is like our antenna, right? It's, it's our, the way that we're able to communicate is through our bodily sensations, through what we feel in our body allows us to understand. Um, so a body purposefully loved. I truly believe when we're hating on our body, when we're not treating our body correctly, we're not able to truly access that spiritual connection that we all strive [00:43:00] for.
Will you speak to that a little bit about how, how our body plays into this and how we can purposefully love our body in order to be more spiritually connected?
Vincent Tolman: Well, our body is an antenna. It is, it is a crystalline form. When you look at the atomic structure of your cell, it is crystalline. So that means we are, now we're carbon based.
Our, our whole life form is carbon based. And these carbon crystals, they They build our cellular structure, our atomic structure. They build us, who we are, right? Now what's neat about learning about crystals is they can be tuned. They can be set and programmed with frequency. And they are, they inherently store data, energy, they, they store things.
That means your body. If you think negative thoughts or you allow trauma on the body. The [00:44:00] body actually stores it. Part of the work of what I do for my 9 5 is I help people release those traumas. You'd be surprised how much self sabotage, habitual self sabotage, comes from trauma. If you can weed in and out of the consciousness body alignment and find where that trauma is in the body and allow it out, speak it out.
forgive the aspect of whatever, you know, impacted that trauma. And once you do that release, all of a sudden, it's not so hard to wake up early in the morning. It's not so hard to not give up on projects that you always give up on. It's really amazing that our, our crystalline body is this storage device.
It is there to store our spiritual knowledge that we brought with us before we got here, and all the, the, the traumas that we allow on the, or, or happen to us, whether we allow them [00:45:00] or not. At some level, we allow it because we agreed to come here. Yeah. And, and then additional to that, Even our DNA comes with trauma built into it, too.
Candice Noss: Yeah, I was gonna ask you about that. Like, generational
Vincent Tolman: trauma. Absolutely. Generational attachment. Generational trauma. In fact, I've been working through some in my own body. that goes back seven generations on the male lines. And the firstborn males in all of these families, actually all males in all of these families, are essentially planted with some of this trauma.
And so working that out, I've been watching my body physically change by taking care of trauma, releasing it, letting it go, not letting it be a factor or an influencer ever again. Not that trauma specifically anyway, and I'm amazed. I've always believed it because I've, I've, I learned it in my experience.
We're very [00:46:00] complex and our body keeps the score. By the way, that's a great book. Um, it keeps a score of what's going on. And as I have released those traumas, my body's been changing on me. Something that, that I've had my whole life is now leaving now because I took care of those traumas.
Candice Noss: And taking care of those traumas, that, that is something that a lot of people don't understand how to do.
Is it a matter of just processing emotions? Is it a matter of forgiving? Is it a matter of actually understanding exactly what the trauma was and, and witnessing it, validating it? It
Vincent Tolman: starts first with, um, find the trigger. So find what's bothering you or find the area that you know you keep self sabotaging.
And we, you can start there. You can follow that thread. And that thread is going to get into the deep programming of the body. And there is where you can [00:47:00] start finding the emotions. There's, there is so many different ways to get in and, and let those traumas out. One of my favorites is emotion code, body code.
Um, you know, there's, there's quite a bit that people can do through mapping, through tapping, through, um, quite a few different modalities. Even I've seen people do Qigong where they actually go in and physically remove the trauma. But if you don't go in and agree with the soul to release that trauma, Then it, it just empties the garbage can and starts filling it back up too.
So, um, you know, there is a lot of different modalities. I personally use Emotion Code Body Coat. It is my favorite, um, go to. I do that with a, a combination with Qigong and with, um, a little bit of Reiki too. Yeah.
Candice Noss: Awesome. Yeah, I, I, um, I do what I call hands on healing, and it's kind of a [00:48:00] combination of, of many of those things.
I, I believe that we're kind of taught in a way that's unique to each person, maybe. Um, that there's so much power in understanding what is held. The resistance that's keeping us from, from progressing and allowing that to, to play out. If, if I, if there's listeners out there that are feeling resistance, that are feeling unforgiveness, that are feeling some false beliefs, that are feeling, uh, body things that they're trying to clear.
What, what would you say? How do they start
Vincent Tolman: like finding that
Candice Noss: trigger? Right. But then
Vincent Tolman: first I would identify the problem. Second, I would reach out to God. And I would say, God, you know, whether you want to say Heavenly Father or, you know, [00:49:00] whatever works for you for God, but reach out to God and say, Hey, I want to, I want to take care of this.
I want to bring attention and love and curing and healing to this matter. and then follow your intuition. Your intuition will guide you on that. And if you're not getting anything, then, then, um, I wouldn't even ask the question until you, you focus on your breath. You allow the connection with God. A connection with God is not something you get outside yourself.
It's something that's already there. You just have to allow it. But, but what too many people do is they think, Connection with God is this certain thing that other people have. It's not. It's something you have. Everyone listening already has it. You just have to allow yourself to believe it, and allow yourself to start activating it.
Start, um, strengthening it. But it starts with, with thought, thought [00:50:00] first,
Candice Noss: absolutely. And as far as us being chain breakers, us clearing generational things for the past, we speak to that a little bit.
Vincent Tolman: Yeah. Um, they, they talk about it in scripture as like the evil traditions of the fathers. And to me, that is the, the trauma of our ancestry.
And I have felt it where I'm in doing work on me, and all of a sudden I feel this ancestor, this ancestor, this ancestor. And they're excited because I'm clearing something off me that they felt holding them back where they are. So these traumas, they're They're, they go beyond just this life, they do, and I've been working on a client before where we're releasing like four or five generations of trauma and all of a sudden they're getting flooded by, by souls coming in and loving them and, and hugging them and [00:51:00] trying to get, show them gratitude for clearing something up that had been affecting so many generations.
But, um, it is such a beautiful process to allow The love of Abun, the love of the cosmic birther of life and light in this universe to allow that love in you. It is absolutely healing. It can heal you of anything, anything,
Candice Noss: it's beautiful.
Vincent Tolman: If your contract allows,
Candice Noss: that's beautiful. So in order to open us up to that love, to be connected to that love and light, um, How, how do we, how would you suggest to do that to raise our vibration?
Vincent Tolman: Number one way, go serve somebody. Go serve someone. Go out and give to someone else the very thing that you need. Um, it, it doesn't make sense in [00:52:00] the, in the human brain, but it does make sense in the eternal brain, in the eternal consciousness. Go out and give to the world what you are lacking. and you will go home feeling that you have what you are lacking.
So, one of my favorite things to do is do service. Any form of service, okay? Service comes in so many different ways. Um, put out the garbage cans for your neighbor. Go get their groceries for them. Go get some groceries for some homeless people. See if you can arrange a place for them to stay for a while.
Like, there's so many different things. When you open yourself up to, Abun, help me find someone that I can help today. And then really open your heart. Sometimes it's the simple gesture of shaking a hand and giving a [00:53:00] compliment. I have seen myself. Get leveled up by something so simple as a kind gesture.
At the very moment someone was in dire need of a kind gesture.
Candice Noss: It's powerful.
Vincent Tolman: It is. We're supposed to love each other the way God loves us. And when we do, we get an activation of God's love inside of us. So crazy, right? I love it!
Candice Noss: Well, and it's the first great commandment, right? Yeah,
Vincent Tolman: and think about
Candice Noss: the
Vincent Tolman: love that Yeshua had.
Yeshua went around loving the Cretans, the gamblers, the homeless, the, the prostitutes. He loved everyone. He did. He never shunned anyone. Now, he kicked the money changers out of the temple, but he actually didn't kick them out. He just turned over their tables and said, this is, this is an apostasy. This is wrong in my father's [00:54:00] house.
But he loved everyone. Always. Even those who were killing him, he loved them. Yeah. So loving others, that's how we activate. But guess who the hardest one to love?
Candice Noss: It's ourself.
Vincent Tolman: I thought you were going to say in laws. But yeah, it is self. No, just kidding. I love my in laws. Um, it is self. It is self. Your self is the hardest one to love.
And here's why. You know the inside story when you're looking in the mirror. You don't know the inside story when you look at others. So it's, it's much easier to give grace to others. But I want you to know, if you can give grace to self, understanding that you were not ever sent here to be perfect, that God put you in an imperfect body to live in an imperfect way without the expectation of you being perfect.
So why are we thinking perfection is the [00:55:00] expectation or the target? What we want to do is be perfect in God's love. Perfect in love with Abu'l, with the creator of the universe, which means we have to love everything, even the trees, the bushes, the animals, the plants, everything, and of course every bit of life that we can find in this universe.
If we can love that, we can start to get that activation of love and connection. With the album.
Candice Noss: Thank you. That's so awesome. I love it. Like, it gives me chills. So important and it's so key. Um, so I, I kind of want to ask a few things about our future, about where you see us going. Um, I know I've, I've heard you talk about some upgrades in our bodies and, um, about some things that are going to happen in this world.
But when you
Vincent Tolman: speak
Candice Noss: to that [00:56:00] a little
Vincent Tolman: bit and well, number one, we need to stop being so attached to how things were because unless you have a time machine, let it go. We've got to let go what, what used to be, I know I'm just as bad as everyone else. I think, wow, I never, things were never like this when I was a kid.
Things were never like this when I was a teenager. Things were never like this when I was in college, like, you know, we've got to let go of the past. and recognize that every day is an opportunity to find and connect to our creator. And that the power of creation, the power of that creation, it starts with our thoughts.
So we've got to get better about using our thoughts to, uh, be conducive of love. To influence love. Now, here's the weird thing. [00:57:00] Uh, we could wake up in the same neighborhood. Myself and another person. I could wake up and think, oh no, this is a dangerous neighborhood. There's bad people and there's threats everywhere.
Or I could wake up and think, what a beautiful neighborhood. I love those neighbors. I love those neighbors. I love those neighbors. I love everyone in my house. I love that I get to be in this house with these amazing people. Very imperfect, but very amazing. You know, coming from that perspective, it doesn't change anything, but it changes our universe.
So change your thoughts, and you can change your universe. If you are looking for something, you will find it. No matter what you're looking for. So be careful what you're looking for.
Candice Noss: Yeah. I mean, that would, that would you focus on expands, right? It's the universal truth.
Vincent Tolman: Yep. Look for smoke. Eventually you'll find it.
Even if you have to walk far away from [00:58:00] safety to go find it.
Candice Noss: Right.
Vincent Tolman: Yeah.
Candice Noss: And there's so much power in gratitude. I see, we've talked a lot about love, um, which is incredible. I feel that gratitude is kind of a bridge emotion to get there. Right. What did you notice in heaven or through your experiences about gratitude and how, why is that so powerful?
Vincent Tolman: If you, if you have gratitude, you're sealing up your flower, your flower of God's love. So to me, all of us are these flowers of God's love or flowers of God's love. We can flow it through us. And we can seal up all the holes and allow ourselves to feel and embody that love as much as possible. Gratitude is how we heal those holes.
That's, that's, that's how we seal up those holes to allow that, that love to be as present as possible. But not having gratitude is like punching holes. in the process of feeling God's love. You can't feel it if you're, [00:59:00] if you can't have gratitude. So, gratitude is an absolute must. It is the, um, accelerator for, for your connection to the Creator.
So, using gratitude that, you know, that, that old, that, uh, power saying, attitude of gratitude will gain you heaven and more. That is very, very true. That attitude of gratitude will keep you looking at life from the right perspective, no matter what happens to you. Um, there was a group called the Foundation for a Better Life, uh, a few years ago, like 20 years ago or so, they had this commercial of this little kid and he was He was, uh, just at a baseball diamond by himself with a baseball bat and a baseball.
And he, he says out loud, he goes, I am the greatest batter in the whole world. And he tosses up the ball and he swings and he misses. And he's like, Oh, strike one. And then he does it again. He's like, Oh, strike two. And he gets to the third one. He goes, [01:00:00] I am the greatest batter in the world. He tossed up the ball and he swings and he misses.
And he goes, strike three. And his eyes get really big. And he goes, I am the greatest pitcher in the world. And it's like so amazing Where this little kid is so full of love for himself That he understands that no matter what there's greatness. He just has to see it from the other side So instead of being the batter, he's now the pitcher which makes him the winner.
That's how all of us are We have to see even our greatest losses as great Accomplishments from the other side. I I think back to when I lost my mom. I was devastated And then I thought for a moment, wow, I'm so grateful that I'm devastated. I would hate if I just went about life, back to business, and nothing changed.
I love, there was [01:01:00] this huge deficit of love in my life when my mom crossed. And you know what that did? That helped me connect to my mother. And then I got to have that love back into my life in a different version, a different form, in her spiritual form, which is actually better. But it took me being grateful that I ached for her, being grateful that there was this missing her, and that allowed me to tap into a love.
I was able to discover her, but I had to be grateful even for the hard things.
Candice Noss: It's such a, it's such a powerful emotion. That's such a bridge emotion. I love that. What you, that picture of us being flowers and it's filling the holes. And that's, I've never, ever heard it explained that way, but it makes so much sense and an accelerator to receiving love and giving [01:02:00] love.
It's. It's so, so important. You were talking about your mom and, and I've often wondered about the veil and you even talked about how when you came back into your body, you didn't remember like exactly what had just happened because you passed back through the veil.
Vincent Tolman: Yeah.
Candice Noss: For
Vincent Tolman: about 24 hours I didn't, but 24 hours later, I think it was for safety.
They wouldn't let me remember right away. So 24 hours later though, it all came all, all in one hit. It was there. Yeah, and I was under suicide watch for a few days because of that.
Candice Noss: Oh, it's understandable. Um, help me, help us understand about the veil. And, and, I mean, obviously it's there to protect us. But, you know, we
Vincent Tolman: talked about that.
Well, number one, there is so much love on the other side of that. Well, there's so much love here. But it takes us tuning to love to see it and to feel it. Uh, look at look [01:03:00] at newlyweds or look at people that newly fall in love they get they get free stuff They're so happy people are like comping them things even giving them things They're giving them, you know wedding presents.
They they want to give to that high love energy while it's there, right? We don't have to only do that when we're newlyweds or when we are newlyweds you know, newly found relationships. We can wake up every day excited to find God in something today. And when we wake up that way, we bring a whole new energy into our universe.
And, and to me, that's the best way, is, is wake up every day, excited to know that God's going to connect to you in one way or another. But you have to be kind of like that kid in the beginning. You have to see that little bumper sticker over there. Oh, that's where God's connecting to me. Now I got the message.
Oh, the time of the clock that keeps popping up, like the fourth time today, [01:04:00] that's the same. Oh, that's it. You know? And, and it's, it's a beautiful thing when you can understand that God is speaking to us through everything. I, I had somebody, uh, uh, one time tell me, well, God speaks to me by how many white cars or red cars I see.
And I'm, I go, that's, that's not so, that's, that can't be a thing. The very next morning, I leave my house for my regular routine. And wouldn't you know it, for more than 50 cars straight, I only saw white cars and trucks, only white, all white, everywhere I went. I live in Vegas. I don't see a lot of white cars, well I mean you see some, it's like a quarter of cars are white here.
But I couldn't believe how many in a row. And I got to 50, I was counting them, just to prove that this person wasn't right. I was counting them to find out that I was wrong. That yes, God could speak to us in any way that we find meaningful for us. [01:05:00] So that person found it was meaningful to count cars that were the same color on a certain drive.
And that that would send a specific message to that person. I love that our Creator does love us. so much that we can connect to that, that love in many, many different ways. It could be a kind gesture from someone, could be a bumper sticker, could be the time on the clock, could be how many cars you see.
It could be feeling someone hugging you while you're sitting there meditating. And I'll tell you, when you're doing that, you're tuning into the love frequency. And the love frequency is where God speaks. That is God's energy. So you can speak to God when you're tuned in to that love frequency. But when you're not feeling the love, go get your, get your butt out of your seat, out of your house, out of your car, and go love someone.
Go take care of someone [01:06:00] else. And you'll find an activation like this. Boom. Activation of love. Because you, you kind of had to kickstart the engine by going and loving someone else or serving someone else.
Candice Noss: It's like when you have to start your car with the clutch.
Vincent Tolman: Yeah, exactly. Millennials don't understand that.
Candice Noss: They don't understand that. Well, you were, you were getting into letting go of how things used to be. How else can we prepare for the future? I know we've got some
Vincent Tolman: Love the outcome no matter what it is. Love it. The outcome is amazing, even if you end up on the other side of the veil, especially if you end up on the other side of the veil.
Because that love is so great, it's worth getting back there. You want to love what's happening as it happens. Now, if you're meant to be here and stay here, when you're tuned into that love energy, it is going to give you very direct messages. It will say messages like, [01:07:00] Hey, it's time to move. Hey, it's time to change jobs.
Hey, it's time to start honoring your family and taking care of them or taking care of your kids. It will guide you. And it will put you in a place where you're connected so that you can be a tool in God's hands. in Abun's hands, in the Creator's hands. And to me that, there's no greater place than to be a tool in God's hands.
Candice Noss: 100%. I believe that that's exactly why we're here, is to own our divine greatness and then use that greatness to help and serve other people. Yep. And so, tuning into that high frequency love place, what I'm hearing you say is that's what allows us to tune into our intuition, to tune into that spiritual connection, to tune into the communication that will then tell us where to be and how to be and when to be.
Vincent Tolman: the, that's the radio channel that you want to tune into, is love. And when you tune into that, you can send and receive. Yeah. [01:08:00] Well, we can always send. Prayer is there all the time, whether we're tuned in or not, but to get the answer, we've got to tune in.
Candice Noss: Well, Wood, is there anything else that's on your heart that you would love to share with us?
This has been such a treat, such a pleasure. I just enjoyed every second. I've probably taken four pages of notes while we've been talking.
Vincent Tolman: Well, Candice, it's been absolutely my pleasure to be here. We were, we were talking, chatting a little bit before this. If even one person finds this inspirational or activating, or helpful, then it was worth it, right?
Even if it took countless hours to produce or work on. But I'll tell you, the way that our Creator is working, it's not going to just help one or two, it's going to help, it helped me and you. I mean, just having this conversation, it raises both our love energy, it raises our love frequency, and that's what it's all about.
We're here [01:09:00] to help and support and get ready for the great things that are going to come. Now. There is going to be some kind of weird stuff coming. But when you're tapped into love, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter what the news is going off about. this party, that party, drones, whatever. We don't have to let that bother us.
We can tap in and say, you know what? I know that stuff's going on, but I'm glad my creator loves me. And I'm glad that I am excited to go back and see my creator when it's the right time. And that's an awesome place to be.
Candice Noss: That's a beautiful place to be. Yeah. I love the, the thought that it's our curriculum.
I mean, we're here. God is in charge of our curriculum and whatever it is, you know, come what may and love it. Like, be willing, let God prevail in your life and give you the curriculum that will allow you to grow and become more like our Savior.
Vincent Tolman: And don't forget, you volunteered for this, Sarah. We all did.
If you're, [01:10:00] if you're here, number one, you wanted to get here. Number two, it was hard to get here. Number three, it's your contract. You, you wrote and signed your own contract. All of us did. Yeah.
Candice Noss: I think we had no idea what we were getting ourselves into probably sometimes.
Vincent Tolman: That's why we have the veil though, because if we didn't have the veil, we'd be like, give me my contract.
And we rip it up and say, get me back there. Because the veil allows us to stay in our contracts. If we didn't have it, I'm not kidding. If the veil wasn't there, we would instantly grab a sharp object and it, and go Because we would know what it's like there compared to here. It's kind of like Uh, being raised in an amusement park, full of anything you wanted, and just full of so much love.
Everywhere you went, everyone loved you so much. And then, when it was time, you signed a little contract to go climb [01:11:00] into a little prison cell for 80 or 90 years. If we could remember. that contract and climbing into the prison cell? Would we, would we stay in that prison cell? No. We would say, get me out of here.
I want to go back home. That's why we had to have the veil. Because that love loves us so much. We know that our Creator aches to have us close again. And we ache to be close to the Creator again. The same way that if you just have a brand new baby and someone takes it away from you to go feed it or something, you're like, Wait, no, that's my baby.
Give me my baby. You know, it's like the same thing. We ache. We ache to be close to our Creator. So it was, it was, prerequisite that we have that veil. We have to have the veil of forgetfulness. Because without it, we wouldn't stay. We would all rip up our contracts and just go back. They're like, this is too hard.
[01:12:00] That's why babies cry a lot is when they first get here. They're like, I don't want to be here. I was just in a place of tremendous love. Why would I want to be here? That's also why they're not allowed to speak right away. You see it. It's funny though. You see a lot of babies when they first come, they're like frowning at people a lot.
They're like, Hmm, this isn't anything like I was just experiencing not a month or two ago, you know? So it's, it's a, it's a cute part of this life, but I'll tell you, it's worth it. We wanted this. It's worth it. It's absolutely worth it.
Candice Noss: It's like what Jake told you. It's going to be hard. It's going to
Vincent Tolman: be hard, but it's going to be worth it.
Yeah. It's worth it.
Candice Noss: Well, thank you so much, Vinny. I just would invite everybody to go listen to your book. Well, read your book, but I listened to it on audible after death. And we have a
Vincent Tolman: workbook too. We have a workbook that is going to be released in like a week or two. So, um, they can get [01:13:00] that through our nonprofit at, uh, living gods, light.
Candice Noss: Fantastic. Well, thank you so much for being here. Appreciate you.
Vincent Tolman: Thank you, Candice. Thank you for having me. It's been an absolute pleasure.
Candice Noss: Thank you for joining me today. Wow, right? Vinny expounded on so many nuggets. It was so amazing to hear him talk about Yeshua, Elohim, and ultimately the power of love. It was so powerful to recognize the truth of gratitude and how gratitude is an accelerator to our connection to love and how when we aren't feeling the love, the way to get it back is to get up off our butt and find someone to serve.
It's awesome. Love truly is the key. I will put a link to Vinny's book and his website in the show notes. Vinny truly is owning his divine greatness and using that greatness to bless us today and to bless tomorrow. So many by sharing his story and by sharing the things [01:14:00] that he's learned as many so beautifully articulated loving ourself is key recognizing the divinity within us allows us to then recognize the divinity all around us and our thoughts our thoughts are critical in this process we truly must live in a mind body and spirit alignment If we are to genuinely love God, love ourselves, and love others.
If you're interested in learning how to live with a mind firmly aligned, a body purposefully loved, and a spirit powerfully accessed, if you're interested in learning how to love God, how to love yourself, and how to love others, and truly, if you're ready to step into who you really are and step up to your purposes in this world, the first start is to focus on your mind.
So I have a free mini course. It's called Five Days of Focus. It will get you started on the path of becoming the boss of your brain. Find the link in the show notes. [01:15:00] And remember, whatever place or circumstance you find yourself in, own your divine greatness and use that greatness to do good in this world like only you can.
You are designed for greatness.
Hello and welcome to the design for greatness podcast conversations with canvas to help you elevate your mind, body and spirit and own your divine greatness. Today you have episode number 25 connecting to God's love and light with Vincent Tolman. You guys, I love near death experiences. In fact, when I was in middle school, I did my very first research project on near death experiences.
I can still remember making note cards and I am thrilled, absolutely thrilled to have Vincent [01:16:00] Tolman with us. Um, spirituality is so incredible and the implications of Having someone that has experience going beyond the veil and coming back and dissecting everything that they experienced. It is just, I am riveted.
I'm so excited for what we have to come today. Vincent has a podcast or a book called light after death. And I absolutely loved it. When I read it, I immediately wanted to have him on my podcast, but I really wasn't sure how to make that happen. Um, and then I met his cousin at a Idaho women's expo, and I was talking about things that I'm passionate about.
And I'm like, Hey, have you heard of Vincent Tolman? He had a really cool near near death experience. And he's like. Oh my gosh, he's my cousin. Anyway, we connected and, um, he, he was kind of like a really neat push to get Vincent on this podcast. So, so excited. Vincent is truly living into his [01:17:00] greatness as he shares his story and how to truly live in God's light.
So I'm going to give you a quick bio about Vincent and then we'll just dive in. At 25, Vincent Tolman was found dead in the bathroom of a small restaurant. He had been dead for over half an hour. He was later revived out of a body bag, and then he awoke three days later from a coma. So I am so excited for him to share a little bit about his experience and to just teach us all about spirituality and how to truly live into our purpose.
So thanks for being here, Vinny. Yeah, thank you so much for having me, Candice. I'm excited to be here. Yeah. Well, why don't we just dive in and kind of give us a quick synopsis of your, of your experience, and then you just kind of get into some principles and, and teachings about how to truly connect to God's love and light.
Absolutely. Absolutely. So, um, I'm Vinny, or Vincent, and, um, I had a near death experience back in [01:18:00] 2003. Technically, it's called an ADE, or after death experience, because I'm one of the few, uh, which there's, there, it's a growing few of us out there, but I'm one of the few that was revived out of the body bag.
Vincent Tolman: Um, I had aspirated and I was found in a public bathroom in a Dairy Queen. Um, and I was found about 30 to 45 minutes after I had passed. Um, I had started to turn cold. The, uh, responding medics who came to get me, they, uh, they attempted resuscitation. They were unable to, uh, resuscitate the body in any way.
So they did bag the body. They put the body in, uh, the back of an ambulance. And they put a rookie in the back of the ambulance to babysit the body while they got, uh, different statements filled out by witnesses and by the manager of the Dairy Queen. Uh, about 45 minutes after that, they had left the scene and they were driving down the street [01:19:00] when the rookie medic felt something come over him to tell him that he needed to try some more.
He felt it a couple of times. After the second time he felt it, he did go ahead and open that body bag and begin feeling for any sign of life. He didn't feel any, but he persisted. He went to the femorial artery, which is the artery on the leg. And when he went there, he felt kind of a spark or a shock in his body.
And to him, that was enough of a sign that he wanted to try to, you know, attempt resuscitation. So he did. He hooked up a defib. He hooked up some oxygen on the lung and put them in the lungs. And he was able to get the heart to come back after two rounds of shocks, or at least for for a single heartbeat, he got better.
the heart to come back for a single heartbeat. And then on the third round of shocks, he got the heart to come back, um, faintly, but, but steadily. [01:20:00] And, uh, one of the miracles to all of this is not just this rookie listening to his intuition itself, but But, um, the fact that the heart started within a, about a hundred feet from a hospital.
So they were able to, to go directly to the hospital where there was a trauma team there and they were ready to meet the body and, and start working on it and try to bring back all the other systems. That's where my story begins, uh, at least my current chapter of my story. I was witnessing everything from above.
I didn't know it was me, I really didn't know it was me, not until they transferred the body over to the medical gurney in the hospital and they had to strap the body down because it was going into seizures and that's when I realized it was me because I felt somebody strapping me down where I was. The hard part to equate it is how could someone be sitting there watching their own body and not know it's them?
This is the way I [01:21:00] describe it to people. It's kind of like pulling up to a stoplight. And you look over, and there's your car, and there's somebody driving it who looks just like you. But you know it's not you, because you're in your car. And that's what it felt like. Like, I knew for a fact it wasn't me, because me was up here, and I was watching everything from above.
But at the same right, Eventually, it, it dawned on me as I was feeling someone strapping me down where I was, uh, and I was also witnessing them strap down the body. So with all of that, I began to have this process of, of what some might call the life review where I started to feel so ignorant, so dumb, how could I not know I was dead this whole time?
Um, at this point it had been at least an hour and a half, maybe longer. And I was thinking, how could I be so ignorant? And that's when I started to see anything bad that I ever did in my life. And I mean anything, anything from my [01:22:00] earliest childhood memories up to the current day back then, I saw everything that I ever did bad.
Um, I also saw it from the perspective of those who I had impacted in a negative way. And that's when I had this thought, like, why do I even exist? If this is the epitome of Vinny, why do I exist? And as soon as I had that thought, this warmth started to overtake me. And with that warmth, I felt supreme unconditional love.
And then I started to go back and see everything that I ever did that was good. And there was so much more good than I ever did. And I also got to see when I, I didn't even know I was doing good and I was impacting others in a positive way. So I got to kind of see the butterfly effect essentially. And when I got to the end of that, I realized that this love, it was coming from behind me.
So I turned around and I [01:23:00] saw This God like figure just standing there loving me and just beaming this huge smile and my first thought was, this is God. And instantly, as soon as I had that thought, I heard in someone else's voice in my mind, I heard, no son, I'm not God. And I remember when that first happened, I was like, what?
How did that happen? I, I just heard someone else's voice inside my head. Then I realized. That I'd been hearing everyone's voices the whole time since I had, had passed, since I had left my body, I was hearing everyone's voices. And then I, I actually realized I could hear the voices of everyone in the, the, the Dairy Queen I was found out, the medics that, that were taking my body, even the, the intake personnel as they were taking the body in.
And, and I, I realized that there's, there's a form of communication that when we tune in [01:24:00] correctly, we can hear just simple thought. And, and I'm looking at this guy and I, I'm thinking, well, if you're not God, like what are the other options? You know? I didn't recognize him. I'd never seen him before. So my follow up thought was, are you Jesus?
And he, he just continued to beam at me and he said, no son, I'm not Jesus. He said, I'm your, I'm your guide. I'm here to help you go wherever you want to go. And he said that his friends called him by the name Drake, so I could call him Drake if I wanted to. And so I said, okay, Drake, you know, let's, let's do this.
And he said, um, well, where would you like to go? Do you want to go back to your body? Or, uh, is there anywhere else you want to go? And for a millisecond, I was thinking of all the other places in the universe that I knew, which was none, because I only knew this side, right? But I had this part of my brain like anywhere in the universe.
[01:25:00] And I was a bit of a, an astrology or astronomy nerd. And I was thinking of like the Helix Nebula. I was thinking of the Horsehead Nebula. I was thinking of all these beautiful places out in space, deep, far out into space. But then I realized that this tremendous love. That I was feeling, it had to come from somewhere.
The, the way that we know that energy can't be created or destroyed, I knew that this love had to be coming from somewhere. So I asked Drake, I go, hey, I want to go wherever this love is coming from, this powerful energy that's coming through you. I want to go wherever that comes from. And he got very excited and said, well, that comes from your home and my home.
So let's go home. And I said, let's do it. So we went on our journey, um, for three days. I was brain dead. And during those three days, I was going on this journey with [01:26:00] Drake. Um, after I woke up, I, you know, I, I got towards the end of my journey and I woke up, I woke up in the hospital and, um, had a really, really rough time for the next few months.
I wanted to end my life. I wanted to just get back home. I didn't want to be here anymore. And one of the last things Drake said to me before I came back was, he said, it's going to be really hard, but it's going to be worth it. And I kept hearing that. I, I heard it so many thousands of times as I was trying to survive and thrive and find new levels of happiness that I, I didn't know anymore because ever since you, ever since you go to heaven, it's really hard for this life to compete against that.
It's really, really hard. In fatherhood, in marriage, and certain little windows of light, [01:27:00] you get little glimpses of what heaven is, but heaven is consistent and constant, and such a vast force of love. So I was missing all of that when I did end up meeting my wife, and that changed everything. I started to see life.
Through the eyes of heaven, through the eyes of optimism, through new opportunity, new growth, and new, new levels of expansion for my soul. And, um, she convinced me to go to a little reunion with lots of my cousins out in Wyoming. And while I was there, um, the little town of Afton, Wyoming put on a play, kind of a play and a presentation of the history of the town.
And in that process, up comes a picture of Drake. And it floored me. I couldn't speak. I started to cry. I started to weep. I [01:28:00] recognized his last name. It said Kazair, but it said his name was Charles. It didn't say his name was Drake. And that upset me because I'm like, why would I know him by the wrong name?
So we went directly to my grandmother's house right after this happened. And I walked in and I said, Grandma, Grandma, tell me about this Charles Kazair. Tell me about him. I need to know about him. I know him. And I don't know. If you know why I know him, but I know him and her exact response was, Oh, you mean great grandpa Drake.
He's kind of famous. And I lost it again, just started to weep. Come to find out, he was known as Drake to his family and to his very, very close friends. But professionally, um, even in the government, because he worked in government as well as, um, local politics, as well as clergy. He worked in church as well.
Um, he was always known as Charles by his first name. So, you know, it was a, a [01:29:00] little miracle for me. To realize that my experience was something real. It was not some delusion that neurologists tried to convince me of. It was something very real, and I started to treat it as such, to honor it, to love it, to respect it.
And I, in the beginning, I only would share it here and there with like church groups or small family groups. But over the years, I, I got used to sharing it with bigger and bigger and bigger groups, uh, until I've been in, on audiences where there's been millions of people watch it. So, um, it's, it's been a, A beautiful experience to go through.
Hardest thing I ever did, but it's definitely, like Drake said, it's been worth it. It's been hard, but it's been definitely worth it. And that's my experience. That's kind of the gist of it. Of course, there's so much more to the details, and especially more to what Drake taught me as I was trying to climb my way into [01:30:00] heaven.
But it was an overall absolutely amazing experience. It changed my life. On January 18th, which we're coming right up on it, it's going to be my 22nd year of I call it my death aversary. My death aversary is January 18th. So, coming right up on it. That's incredible. Your book, Light After Death, is awesome.
Candice Noss: And I would just encourage anyone that wants the details of this near death experience to go to that book. I listened to it on Audible, and I actually listened to it In the past two days, just to prepare for our, our, um, our interview. And I just, I love it. There's so many powerful troops that you get into and it's an empowering story.
It's an inspiring story. And I. I'm just in awe at all that you've gone through in order to, um, come back and I feel like you have a wealth of information and a wealth of knowledge now [01:31:00] to share with the world and to help us all who desire so much spirituality and desire so much to connect with, with God and with our, our spirit guides and our angels.
And, um, and so that, that brings me to my first question, Drake. I mean, amazing. I love that that was such a validation to you that what you experienced was real. And then I, in the book you speak of actually, um, coming across a blessing that someone had given to, to Drake that talked about him being a guide, which was another validation of, yes, what you experienced was real and important.
And. Yeah, we got to, we got to stay with my grandmother right after we got married, um, just for a few months. She, she wanted to live out the rest of the end of her life at, in her home. So my wife and I moved in to help take care of her and, and facilitate that. And in doing that, we were able to find a, a family blessing, like a special prayer that was given to him.
Vincent Tolman: And it was all recorded and written down, and it talked about. His [01:32:00] duties in this life, in this, this, the life here on earth. But then it talked a whole page about what his duties would be in the afterlife. And one of those duties would be to be a, a, a guide and a guardian to help people, um, essentially cross the veil.
Cross from, um, this side of consciousness into our, our eternal consciousness. Yeah. So incredible. So how do you recommend we connect with our guides? I mean, help us understand how that works and what that looks like. In religion, we have something called Holy Ghost, um, or Holy Spirit. And what that is, that is God's love and care for us, specifically.
And, um, the same way that angels come and minister to us in many different ways, that they're ministering to us through that love that [01:33:00] God has for us, right? And that love is palpable and powerful, and it comes in many different forms. the same way that we can be blessed in many different directions by God, that that love comes from many different places.
So, it comes from ancestors, it comes from actual angels. It comes from what I call guardians, protectors, a soul family, spirit family, um, there's a thing over there that they call oversoul. It's kind of like a gathering of many of the souls that are alike. And there's even, um, special helpers that come from the oversoul too.
So there's, um, a tremendous amount of help coming through if you're willing to look for it and receive it. And, you know, I personally refer to those as my guides [01:34:00] because anything that steps from a higher place of love than I exist in, I consider that a higher force, a higher place. I'll listen to that.
Now, in the same realm of sensitivity, there's also fear. influencers too. So, you know, there's, there's fear messages, there's, uh, worry messages, there's, there's all sorts of dark information that can come too. Um, I choose personally not to listen to that at all. I turn away from that. If it's coming from a place higher than the amount of love that I know, I know it is a safe source.
I know it is a beautiful source. It only comes from a higher place. Um, so I, I do check once in a while as I'm receiving information, receiving communication. I check it to my own, um, love barometer. And as long as I know it's consistently coming from a higher love, a love higher than what I can, I could contain [01:35:00] in me, I know it's a safe source for me.
Yeah. So that's, it's kind of a complicated but simple way of, of, uh, portraying it. Now in, in uniform religion, they call that the Holy Ghost. It could be any number of different, um, spirits, souls, angels, guardians, even protectors stepping into that role. And they're using the Holy Ghost, which is God's love for us.
That's what that is. And they're using that to help us. Yeah. Does that make sense? Yeah. Yeah, sort of. Yeah, it's really cool to be, to put it in those terms. I've always felt, for me, that I want to tune into anything that's 100 percent focused on Jesus Christ. Um, how does Jesus tune into all of that? So, essentially, if you take all the love that God has for us, And you also combine it with all the grace God has [01:36:00] for us.
That essentially creates Christ. That is the Christ. That is the anointing. Christ means anointing. Um, a lot of people, not a lot of people, some people get after me that I don't, credit Christ in my near death experience and Here's the thing Christ showed up in the love that I was experiencing in the experience but not by name and not by image of his face, but in in afterthought and in Meditation of what happened through my experience.
There's no question that that love that I was feeling coming from Drake was the Christ It was that unconditional grace filled love that God has for all of us. Um, but I, I do worship, me personally, I don't broadcast that everyone else has to do this, but me personally, I do worship Christ by his real name, by Yeshua.
[01:37:00] Um, not his, his made up name that was given to him over 150 years after he, he was resurrected. Um, I, I do worship Him under Yeshua, as, because that's His name, that's the name. If you called Yeshua when He was alive, He would turn and look at you, um, and, and so to me, that's the way I make Him alive in my daily life, is I work with the real Yeshua.
And um, it's, it's very different than the religious version, because you, you get to know there's a very strong power in the Yeshua, in the Christ. a power that, uh, is beyond religion. That the, the love and grace that comes through the Yahshua, it, you can find it in someone who's a Buddhist, a, uh, a Muslim, a Christian, a Jew.
It doesn't matter. That power is so strong [01:38:00] and the grace is so strong. And when people ask me, well, how can you say that? How can you do this? How can you do that? I say this, the example of how much grace God has for us. At the very moment. The Yeshua was on the cross. He could have shown his power. He could have shown the power of God in him by bringing down lightning and, and bringing down the, the wrath and the force of God.
But what did the Yeshua do was with the very last energy in his body, he begged for the forgiveness of his murderers. That's the grace of God.
But Yeshua is very real for me. Yeah. Very real. Amen. Amen. Yeah, I, um, my, my personal barometer is, is it 100 percent focused on Christ? And if it is, [01:39:00] then, then I, then I'm, then I'm open and willing and hoping and trying to receive. Um, so through Christ, through the love of God, through the Holy Ghost, we're able to receive spirit guides and angels and ancestors and helpers.
Candice Noss: Um, How, how can we do that more readily, more openly? How can we develop our spiritual communication and our spiritual gifts so that we can really access the things that they have to help us with? Well, the biggest mistake that we make as individuals is we don't give space for God. And when I say God, I mean, um, the, one of the oldest names for God is Abun.
Vincent Tolman: It's the Aramaic name for God, and in fact, Christ himself would use sometimes the Greek name for God, but he would use the name Abun quite oftenly. Um, the Lord's Prayer, he, he spoke the Lord's Prayer in Aramaic [01:40:00] first. And to me, Abun is the greatest, closest matching to the God I experienced. Um, when you translate that, abwun means, um, cosmic birther of life and light.
And to me, it's the epitome of the divine masculine and divine feminine. And when we worship a Heavenly Father, personally, I feel it's only worshiping half the abwun. Because for us to be working with the abwun, the highest form of divinity in Christianity, Um, you have to, to see that it is the Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother together.
That it's the, the, the balance of the two. Because to worship only one is to only worship half. Yeah. Uh, I love that you brought that up. I, I know Elohim [01:41:00] is actually plural, it, it, it is Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. And so when we refer to God, we can actually refer to them, um, Yeah, the Elohim, the Seraphim, the Cherubim, um, they're all plural.
Yeah. Yeah. But what's, what's beautiful is Christ himself, um, who didn't have an earthly father, who didn't have a masculine earthly, only had a divine masculine, was, was born, um, into the Virgin Mary, into the feminine. And so to me, I love that Christ to me is an example of the balance of the masculine feminine coming into divinity here.
And that's why. When you watch how he treated his apostles and his followers, he didn't seek out to put one above another ever, ever. And in fact, there's many records that show that. [01:42:00] just in the last 20 years have come to light that refer to, um, two quorums of 12. And that's a whole nother thing to get into.
Yeah. And what's really neat though, is Christ, uh, really sought to give, um, equal parcel, um, to Mary Magdalene as one of his advocates, one of his representatives. And a lot of people don't know, but Mary Magdalene went on to France and started a monastery, started a church, and started working a little bit with John and Joseph of Arimathea, and started a lot of the Christian ministry there in France, and even had her own cave and her It's pretty, it's pretty amazing, but, but I'm getting off track a little bit.
It's just a matter of understanding that, um, Christ is this, this tremendous, [01:43:00] powerful example of the balance of the masculine feminine. It's beautiful. It's so beautiful. I've read the, the Gospel of the Beloved Companion, and that's, um, Mary Magdalene, her gospel, and Yes. It's so beautiful, and it's, it's so neat, and it's awesome, and I think there's a lot of Divine Feminine that, that has been lost and that has been, um, that is now coming to light, actually.
Candice Noss: And it's such an exciting time. And there's, there's more to come. There's more to come. There's quite a bit more that's going to be coming. Um, there was over, uh, 3, 100 known scrolls. in the Bible at one time. 3100. In the official canon, there was more than 3100 initially, but that's what, that's what triggered the Council of Nicaea.
Vincent Tolman: is so that they could narrow that down to a bit more official canon. [01:44:00] Now, after the Council of Nicaea, there was still more than 300 books, 300 scrolls. Since then, they whittled it down to about 151, and then since then, they whittled it down to 88. And just in the last 200 years, They whittled it from the 88 book Bible down to the 66 book Bible.
That's the King James Version we have today, is the 66 book Bible. 200 years ago, the Ethiopian Bible that is still the same, unchanged, from 200 years ago, from over 200 years ago, that has the 88 books, has all 88. So um, what I love is God, our Creator, our Abun, is going to be bringing forward more of those divine lost books.
We'll see them. They're coming. They, they are coming so fast. Some of them are here. They just can't be officially recognized because they're coming through people, not through God. But, um, [01:45:00] I feel there will be a time where they become discovered or, or they come through the right people. Maybe, I don't know.
But there's, there will be those books coming back, 100%. And, and maybe it's, they're coming in the hands of angels. I'm excited for it. Did you see that in your near death experience? Did you see future things? I do see that we have a complete fullness of truth on earth in the future. Um, people don't have to embrace it, but the fullness will be here.
And then it's up to them, whether they embrace that fullness or not. And when I say fullness, I mean, total fullness, the absolute truth, the truths that heaven has. The, the truth that this earth has not had in quite a few epochs. It's been a very, very long time since this earth has had that amount of truth all at once.
And, and those will be here on in place for, for the masses [01:46:00] or the minis for the, for the macro and the micro it's, it's for both. It's going to be for all of us, depending on what we do with it, you know, we can, we can find truth and throw it away, or we can find truth, hold it close to our heart and follow it.
And to me, that's the, that's the route to go. Yeah. For sure. That's the route. So. What do you, I mean, man, we can go in so many different directions. I know in your near death experience, you talked about you would go with Drake and then you'd feel some resistance and you had to, um, forgive or let go of a false belief or do something to raise your vibration in order to continue to learn.
Candice Noss: And I feel like in our lives here in our mortal human humaneness, we often hold on to unforgiveness. We often hold on to grudges or resistance. It's funny because Christ, Christ taught us, Christ himself, the Yeshua, Yeshua taught us that [01:47:00] we don't find salvation in the Pharisees, in the Sadducees, in the Sanhedrin.
Vincent Tolman: Where do we find salvation? We find it in the Bible. Within the keys to the kingdom are within, not without within. So Christ was coming in answer to the Sadducees, the Pharisees, the Sanhedrin. He was coming to answer to those, to them and also the clerics saying, God is here. God is not some outside force that you need to go find through this and that and that and hurdles and following this um, curriculum, it is something that you find within you activate within.
And I love that because in the future, that's the only place we're going to find God. That's also the only place we're going to find the real Yeshua is inside. And when the Yeshua shows up in a lot of us, then we're going to see the Yeshua show up in the physical again, too. Yeah, there's a, there's [01:48:00] a quote in your book where you say, on the other side, you can see God as an outward manifestation.
Candice Noss: On this side, you have to connect with God within yourself. And then you can connect with the divine in everyone and everything and everyone else. How do you suggest we do that? How do we connect? Well, it's, so if you go to the Hebrew word for God, um, I'll, I'll butcher the, the Hebrew version, but it's Yathweh or Yathweh.
Vincent Tolman: and or Yahweh, you know, they say Yahweh as the short version. Um, essentially it means the one who can't be named, because in Judaism they can't give a name to something, then it becomes an idol, right? So they, they would, officially, unofficially call God the one who can't be named. What's neat, though, is if you take that back to Aramaic, and even to the oldest form of speaking, even in [01:49:00] Assyria, you find that that term, Yahweh, It ends up meaning breath, it means flow, it means the flow of energy, and that's another meaning to Yahweh.
And to me, that's where we go to find God, is we start with our breath. Is Yahweh. We, you know, in, in our, our world, we pull up to the, let's, let's pretend we're going to Starbucks, whether you drink Starbucks or not. Let's pretend you're going there. You order your food or your drink, then you drive straight home and you complain that you never got what you ordered.
That is prayer in most religions. Because to get what you are asking for, what must you do? Stop and wait. And wait to receive and be in a, a, a quiet presence ready to receive to get what you're [01:50:00] asking for. So you pull up to that Starbucks, you order your stuff, you pull up to the window and you, you wait.
You take a few moments until what? Until you receive what you're asking for, and then you go home. So too many of us, we do our prayers, we do our meditations, and then we quickly go about our day without giving any time for answers. But the answers are there. We've got to give them time to come through to us.
Uh, for some of us, we also need to give space for it to come through. We have to turn away from our technology for 15 minutes. And quietly breathe, quietly, uh, bring the name Yahweh, you know, the inhale of YAH, the exhale of WEH, the,
like, give yourself some time to breathe and receive the answer. Now are you going to receive the answer you want? Not all the time. A lot [01:51:00] of the time you will receive answers. And, if you can receive half of your prayers answered, is that going to make life better? Absolutely. Absolutely. If you could even get 10 percent of your prayers answered, is that going to make life better?
Absolutely. So, don't rush about your day. Have your prayers. Have your, your, um, supplication. Have your scripture study. Whatever you do for your spiritual regimen, but make sure you give yourself some quiet time to listen. To God, to listen to the ab wum, yeah, I love that. So, so part of what I teach is to live with a mind that's firmly aligned.
Candice Noss: Um, and to me, the mind is the battlefield. The heart is the prize, but the mind is the battlefield and that's where the battle takes place for our hearts. And a lot of times when people meditate or they [01:52:00] pray and then they're quiet, They have a hard time stilling their mind. Their mind just goes all over the place.
Crazy. And we know that we have so many influences on our thoughts. We are not the sole source of our thoughts. In fact, we're actually like the referee that says, this is the thought that I will, I will tune into, but there's so many coming at us. What do you propose would be the very best way to help us live with that mind that's firmly aligned, aligned to God, aligned to Yahweh, aligned to Yeshua.
Vincent Tolman: One thing that helps me is I look at what I really am. I am not this body that's sitting here talking to you. I am also not the consciousness that is kind of deciding on what to say and what not to say with you today. I am something actually higher than that. I am the soul. I am the spirit that [01:53:00] is going through the consciousness to be present in the body.
That means there's three aspects to me. There's my conscious, my, my spirit, my soul. There's my consciousness. And then there's my body self, right? So there's three very distinct selves inside every single one of us. And the one that gets really loud and chatty is the body self. and the consciousness. Those are the two that want to chat it up, talk about things, worry about things.
That's when you have to realize that, that you have to activate the, the soul, the spirit, the higher self, and put it in control. And not forever, but you need to say, hey guys, you know, for me, that's what I say. Hey guys, hey consciousness, hey body, we're going to slow down our thinking about anything else.
We're going to clear the stage. I, I look, the, the mind is like a stage. We're going to clear the stage [01:54:00] completely. We're going to open up the back curtain of the stage. And we're going to sit in a chair back there and just see what shows up. We're not going to create the play. We're not going to say anything.
We're going to be the observer of what shows up. And when you, when I do that, it, it makes it so much easier. Now, when I first started doing this, I would have to count my breaths because that was, that's like putting training wheels on your meditation. Count your breaths. And when you're counting your breaths in, you're counting your breaths out, it gives your mind something to do that's kind of mundane.
And that allows you to go sit in that chair at the back of the stage and watch the play happen from behind. Does that make sense? Yeah. Yeah. When I first started meditating, I actually. Um, with every breath in, I would say, I love and accept you, Candice. And with every breath out, I would say, I love and accept you, Candice.
Candice Noss: And as I was doing this, different thoughts would come where like, can you love and [01:55:00] accept this part of you? And I would have to like, make peace with that piece and love it. And then other parts would come in where it'd be like, yeah, I did that. Like, go me. And, but that little, that exercise of breathing. I love and accept you Candice with every breath in and every breath out while I was watching what, what my mind brought to me and then repenting, right, like turning, turning it back, um, allowing that to then go to like, forgive me for that part.
I, I want to do this better and also celebrate for this. Um, but anyway, that, that was a huge piece that let me. able to become that observer of my thoughts. A lot of times I believe that our mind and you, you kind of called it our consciousness. It just wants to be heard like a toddler. Like, Hey, Hey, this is important.
Do you hear me? Hey, Hey. And I noticed if I give it just a little validation, like I hear you, we're not going to concentrate on that, but I hear you. [01:56:00] And, and I often teach my clients to name their lower brain. I call it their lower brain. Um, because we access through our higher consciousness, through a higher brain, that's where we access our spirit.
Uh, but naming that, I know you said, okay, quiet down mind, quiet down body. When we actually talk back to those parts of us, we, we do gain so much control over that. And it's. So what's neat is as you get used to it, so there's three degrees of view, right? Consciousness and body, or physical self, right? So there's those three, and then each one of those three has a three.
Vincent Tolman: So if you get into the individual, you can realize just the body voice, the bottom of the body voice, is the ego. That's the edging God out. That's the, the trying to keep things in balance with spirit, with with higher self, right? And at the top of the body, would be almost [01:57:00] intuitive as far as wanting to take care of the body, make it healthy, make it last a lot longer than it can.
So there's three parts even to the body self, there's three parts to the consciousness self, and then there's even three parts to your higher self. And all they are, are little tack points on what is there. of, of little plateaus in existence, in, in, in the energy that makes you up, that makes us who we are.
And to me, it's almost like there's three threads that are feeding into each level of what we are. And those three threads combine to make three threads. Yeah. Yeah, love it. That's amazing. Um, so we, we spoke a little bit about the body. You're talking about the body a little bit and another part of the, what I'm so passionate about is first living with a mind that's friendly aligned with a body that's purposefully [01:58:00] loved.
Candice Noss: To me, what I've come to understand is our body is like our antenna, right? It's, it's our, the way that we're able to communicate is through our bodily sensations, through what we feel in our body allows us to understand. Um, so a body purposefully loved. I truly believe when we're hating on our body, when we're not treating our body correctly, we're not able to truly access that spiritual connection that we all strive for.
Will you speak to that a little bit about how, how our body plays into this and how we can purposefully love our body in order to be more spiritually connected? Well, our body is an antenna. It is, it is a crystalline form. When you look at the atomic structure of your cell, it is crystalline. So that means we are, now we're carbon based.
Vincent Tolman: Our, our whole life form is carbon based. And these carbon crystals, they They build our cellular [01:59:00] structure, our atomic structure. They build us, who we are, right? Now what's neat about learning about crystals is they can be tuned. They can be set and programmed with frequency. And they are, they inherently store data, energy, they, they store things.
That means your body. If you think negative thoughts or you allow trauma on the body. The body actually stores it. Part of the work of what I do for my 9 5 is I help people release those traumas. You'd be surprised how much self sabotage, habitual self sabotage, comes from trauma. If you can weed in and out of the consciousness body alignment and find where that trauma is in the body and allow it out, speak it out.
forgive the aspect of whatever, you know, impacted that trauma. [02:00:00] And once you do that release, all of a sudden, it's not so hard to wake up early in the morning. It's not so hard to not give up on projects that you always give up on. It's really amazing that our, our crystalline body is this storage device.
It is there to store our spiritual knowledge that we brought with us before we got here, and all the, the, the traumas that we allow on the, or, or happen to us, whether we allow them or not. At some level, we allow it because we agreed to come here. Yeah. And, and then additional to that, Even our DNA comes with trauma built into it, too.
Candice Noss: Yeah, I was gonna ask you about that. Like, generational trauma. Absolutely. Generational attachment. Generational trauma. In fact, I've been working through some in my own body. that goes back seven generations on the male lines. And the firstborn males in all of these families, actually all males in all of these [02:01:00] families, are essentially planted with some of this trauma.
Vincent Tolman: And so working that out, I've been watching my body physically change by taking care of trauma, releasing it, letting it go, not letting it be a factor or an influencer ever again. Not that trauma specifically anyway, and I'm amazed. I've always believed it because I've, I've, I learned it in my experience.
We're very complex and our body keeps the score. By the way, that's a great book. Um, it keeps a score of what's going on. And as I have released those traumas, my body's been changing on me. Something that, that I've had my whole life is now leaving now because I took care of those traumas. And taking care of those traumas, that, that is something that a lot of people don't understand how to do.
Candice Noss: Is it a matter of just processing emotions? Is it a matter of [02:02:00] forgiving? Is it a matter of actually understanding exactly what the trauma was and, and witnessing it, validating it? It starts first with, um, find the trigger. So find what's bothering you or find the area that you know you keep self sabotaging.
Vincent Tolman: And we, you can start there. You can follow that thread. And that thread is going to get into the deep programming of the body. And there is where you can start finding the emotions. There's, there is so many different ways to get in and, and let those traumas out. One of my favorites is emotion code, body code.
Um, you know, there's, there's quite a bit that people can do through mapping, through tapping, through, um, quite a few different modalities. Even I've seen people do Qigong where they actually go in and physically remove the trauma. But if you don't go in and agree with the soul to release that trauma, Then [02:03:00] it, it just empties the garbage can and starts filling it back up too.
So, um, you know, there is a lot of different modalities. I personally use Emotion Code Body Coat. It is my favorite, um, go to. I do that with a, a combination with Qigong and with, um, a little bit of Reiki too. Yeah. Awesome. Yeah, I, I, um, I do what I call hands on healing, and it's kind of a combination of, of many of those things.
Candice Noss: I, I believe that we're kind of taught in a way that's unique to each person, maybe. Um, that there's so much power in understanding what is held. The resistance that's keeping us from, from progressing and allowing that to, to play out. If, if I, if there's listeners out there that are feeling resistance, that are feeling unforgiveness, that are feeling some false [02:04:00] beliefs, that are feeling, uh, body things that they're trying to clear.
What, what would you say? How do they start like finding that trigger? Right. But then first I would identify the problem. Second, I would reach out to God. And I would say, God, you know, whether you want to say Heavenly Father or, you know, whatever works for you for God, but reach out to God and say, Hey, I want to, I want to take care of this.
Vincent Tolman: I want to bring attention and love and curing and healing to this matter. and then follow your intuition. Your intuition will guide you on that. And if you're not getting anything, then, then, um, I wouldn't even ask the question until you, you focus on your breath. You allow the connection with God. A connection with God is not something you get outside yourself.
It's [02:05:00] something that's already there. You just have to allow it. But, but what too many people do is they think, Connection with God is this certain thing that other people have. It's not. It's something you have. Everyone listening already has it. You just have to allow yourself to believe it, and allow yourself to start activating it.
Start, um, strengthening it. But it starts with, with thought, thought first, absolutely. And as far as us being chain breakers, us clearing generational things for the past, we speak to that a little bit. Yeah. Um, they, they talk about it in scripture as like the evil traditions of the fathers. And to me, that is the, the trauma of our ancestry.
And I have felt it where I'm in doing work on me, and all of a sudden I feel this ancestor, this ancestor, this ancestor. And [02:06:00] they're excited because I'm clearing something off me that they felt holding them back where they are. So these traumas, they're They're, they go beyond just this life, they do, and I've been working on a client before where we're releasing like four or five generations of trauma and all of a sudden they're getting flooded by, by souls coming in and loving them and, and hugging them and trying to get, show them gratitude for clearing something up that had been affecting so many generations.
But, um, it is such a beautiful process to allow The love of Abun, the love of the cosmic birther of life and light in this universe to allow that love in you. It is absolutely healing. It can heal you of anything, anything, it's beautiful. If your contract allows, [02:07:00] that's beautiful. So in order to open us up to that love, to be connected to that love and light, um, How, how do we, how would you suggest to do that to raise our vibration?
Number one way, go serve somebody. Go serve someone. Go out and give to someone else the very thing that you need. Um, it, it doesn't make sense in the, in the human brain, but it does make sense in the eternal brain, in the eternal consciousness. Go out and give to the world what you are lacking. and you will go home feeling that you have what you are lacking.
So, one of my favorite things to do is do service. Any form of service, okay? Service comes in so many different ways. Um, put out the garbage cans for your neighbor. Go get their groceries for them. Go get [02:08:00] some groceries for some homeless people. See if you can arrange a place for them to stay for a while.
Like, there's so many different things. When you open yourself up to, Abun, help me find someone that I can help today. And then really open your heart. Sometimes it's the simple gesture of shaking a hand and giving a compliment. I have seen myself. Get leveled up by something so simple as a kind gesture.
At the very moment someone was in dire need of a kind gesture. It's powerful. It is. We're supposed to love each other the way God loves us. And when we do, we get an activation of God's love inside of us. So crazy, right? I love it! Well, and it's the first great commandment, right? Yeah, and think about the love that [02:09:00] Yeshua had.
Yeshua went around loving the Cretans, the gamblers, the homeless, the, the prostitutes. He loved everyone. He did. He never shunned anyone. Now, he kicked the money changers out of the temple, but he actually didn't kick them out. He just turned over their tables and said, this is, this is an apostasy. This is wrong in my father's house.
But he loved everyone. Always. Even those who were killing him, he loved them. Yeah. So loving others, that's how we activate. But guess who the hardest one to love? It's ourself. I thought you were going to say in laws. But yeah, it is self. No, just kidding. I love my in laws. Um, it is self. It is self. Your self is the hardest one to love.
And here's why. You know the inside story when you're looking in the mirror. You don't know the inside story when [02:10:00] you look at others. So it's, it's much easier to give grace to others. But I want you to know, if you can give grace to self, understanding that you were not ever sent here to be perfect, that God put you in an imperfect body to live in an imperfect way without the expectation of you being perfect.
So why are we thinking perfection is the expectation or the target? What we want to do is be perfect in God's love. Perfect in love with Abu'l, with the creator of the universe, which means we have to love everything, even the trees, the bushes, the animals, the plants, everything, and of course every bit of life that we can find in this universe.
If we can love that, we can start to get that activation of love and connection. With the album. [02:11:00] Thank you. That's so awesome. I love it. Like, it gives me chills. So important and it's so key. Um, so I, I kind of want to ask a few things about our future, about where you see us going. Um, I know I've, I've heard you talk about some upgrades in our bodies and, um, about some things that are going to happen in this world.
Candice Noss: But when you speak to that a little bit and well, number one, we need to stop being so attached to how things were because unless you have a time machine, let it go. We've got to let go what, what used to be, I know I'm just as bad as everyone else. I think, wow, I never, things were never like this when I was a kid.
Vincent Tolman: Things were never like this when I was a teenager. Things were never like this when I was in college, like, you know, we've got to let go of the past. and recognize that [02:12:00] every day is an opportunity to find and connect to our creator. And that the power of creation, the power of that creation, it starts with our thoughts.
So we've got to get better about using our thoughts to, uh, be conducive of love. To influence love. Now, here's the weird thing. Uh, we could wake up in the same neighborhood. Myself and another person. I could wake up and think, oh no, this is a dangerous neighborhood. There's bad people and there's threats everywhere.
Or I could wake up and think, what a beautiful neighborhood. I love those neighbors. I love those neighbors. I love those neighbors. I love everyone in my house. I love that I get to be in this house with these amazing people. Very imperfect, but very amazing. You know, coming from that perspective, it [02:13:00] doesn't change anything, but it changes our universe.
So change your thoughts, and you can change your universe. If you are looking for something, you will find it. No matter what you're looking for. So be careful what you're looking for. Yeah. I mean, that would, that would you focus on expands, right? It's the universal truth. Yep. Look for smoke. Eventually you'll find it.
Even if you have to walk far away from safety to go find it. Right. Yeah. And there's so much power in gratitude. I see, we've talked a lot about love, um, which is incredible. I feel that gratitude is kind of a bridge emotion to get there. Right. What did you notice in heaven or through your experiences about gratitude and how, why is that so powerful?
If you, if you have gratitude, you're sealing up your flower, your flower of God's love. So to me, all of us are these flowers of God's love or flowers of God's love. We can [02:14:00] flow it through us. And we can seal up all the holes and allow ourselves to feel and embody that love as much as possible. Gratitude is how we heal those holes.
That's, that's, that's how we seal up those holes to allow that, that love to be as present as possible. But not having gratitude is like punching holes. in the process of feeling God's love. You can't feel it if you're, if you can't have gratitude. So, gratitude is an absolute must. It is the, um, accelerator for, for your connection to the Creator.
So, using gratitude that, you know, that, that old, that, uh, power saying, attitude of gratitude will gain you heaven and more. That is very, very true. That attitude of gratitude will keep you looking at life from the right perspective, no matter what happens to you. Um, there was a group called the Foundation for a Better Life, [02:15:00] uh, a few years ago, like 20 years ago or so, they had this commercial of this little kid and he was He was, uh, just at a baseball diamond by himself with a baseball bat and a baseball.
And he, he says out loud, he goes, I am the greatest batter in the whole world. And he tosses up the ball and he swings and he misses. And he's like, Oh, strike one. And then he does it again. He's like, Oh, strike two. And he gets to the third one. He goes, I am the greatest batter in the world. He tossed up the ball and he swings and he misses.
And he goes, strike three. And his eyes get really big. And he goes, I am the greatest pitcher in the world. And it's like so amazing Where this little kid is so full of love for himself That he understands that no matter what there's greatness. He just has to see it from the other side So instead of being the batter, he's now the pitcher which makes him the winner.
That's how all of us are [02:16:00] We have to see even our greatest losses as great Accomplishments from the other side. I I think back to when I lost my mom. I was devastated And then I thought for a moment, wow, I'm so grateful that I'm devastated. I would hate if I just went about life, back to business, and nothing changed.
I love, there was this huge deficit of love in my life when my mom crossed. And you know what that did? That helped me connect to my mother. And then I got to have that love back into my life in a different version, a different form, in her spiritual form, which is actually better. But it took me being grateful that I ached for her, being grateful that there was this missing her, and that allowed me to tap into a love.
I was able to discover her, [02:17:00] but I had to be grateful even for the hard things. It's such a, it's such a powerful emotion. That's such a bridge emotion. I love that. What you, that picture of us being flowers and it's filling the holes. And that's, I've never, ever heard it explained that way, but it makes so much sense and an accelerator to receiving love and giving love.
Candice Noss: It's. It's so, so important. You were talking about your mom and, and I've often wondered about the veil and you even talked about how when you came back into your body, you didn't remember like exactly what had just happened because you passed back through the veil. Yeah. For about 24 hours I didn't, but 24 hours later, I think it was for safety.
Vincent Tolman: They wouldn't let me remember right away. So 24 hours later though, it all came all, all in one hit. It was there. Yeah, and [02:18:00] I was under suicide watch for a few days because of that. Oh, it's understandable. Um, help me, help us understand about the veil. And, and, I mean, obviously it's there to protect us. But, you know, we talked about that.
Well, number one, there is so much love on the other side of that. Well, there's so much love here. But it takes us tuning to love to see it and to feel it. Uh, look at look at newlyweds or look at people that newly fall in love they get they get free stuff They're so happy people are like comping them things even giving them things They're giving them, you know wedding presents.
They they want to give to that high love energy while it's there, right? We don't have to only do that when we're newlyweds or when we are newlyweds you know, newly found relationships. We can wake up every day excited to find God in something today. And when [02:19:00] we wake up that way, we bring a whole new energy into our universe.
And, and to me, that's the best way, is, is wake up every day, excited to know that God's going to connect to you in one way or another. But you have to be kind of like that kid in the beginning. You have to see that little bumper sticker over there. Oh, that's where God's connecting to me. Now I got the message.
Oh, the time of the clock that keeps popping up, like the fourth time today, that's the same. Oh, that's it. You know? And, and it's, it's a beautiful thing when you can understand that God is speaking to us through everything. I, I had somebody, uh, uh, one time tell me, well, God speaks to me by how many white cars or red cars I see.
And I'm, I go, that's, that's not so, that's, that can't be a thing. The very next morning, I leave my house for my regular routine. And wouldn't you know it, for more than 50 cars straight, I only saw white cars and trucks, [02:20:00] only white, all white, everywhere I went. I live in Vegas. I don't see a lot of white cars, well I mean you see some, it's like a quarter of cars are white here.
But I couldn't believe how many in a row. And I got to 50, I was counting them, just to prove that this person wasn't right. I was counting them to find out that I was wrong. That yes, God could speak to us in any way that we find meaningful for us. So that person found it was meaningful to count cars that were the same color on a certain drive.
And that that would send a specific message to that person. I love that our Creator does love us. so much that we can connect to that, that love in many, many different ways. It could be a kind gesture from someone, could be a bumper sticker, could be the time on the clock, could be how many cars you see.
It could be feeling someone hugging you while you're sitting there [02:21:00] meditating. And I'll tell you, when you're doing that, you're tuning into the love frequency. And the love frequency is where God speaks. That is God's energy. So you can speak to God when you're tuned in to that love frequency. But when you're not feeling the love, go get your, get your butt out of your seat, out of your house, out of your car, and go love someone.
Go take care of someone else. And you'll find an activation like this. Boom. Activation of love. Because you, you kind of had to kickstart the engine by going and loving someone else or serving someone else. It's like when you have to start your car with the clutch. Yeah, exactly. Millennials don't understand that.
Candice Noss: They don't understand that. Well, you were, you were getting into letting go of how things used to be. How else can we prepare for the future? I know we've got some Love the [02:22:00] outcome no matter what it is. Love it. The outcome is amazing, even if you end up on the other side of the veil, especially if you end up on the other side of the veil.
Vincent Tolman: Because that love is so great, it's worth getting back there. You want to love what's happening as it happens. Now, if you're meant to be here and stay here, when you're tuned into that love energy, it is going to give you very direct messages. It will say messages like, Hey, it's time to move. Hey, it's time to change jobs.
Hey, it's time to start honoring your family and taking care of them or taking care of your kids. It will guide you. And it will put you in a place where you're connected so that you can be a tool in God's hands. in Abun's hands, in the Creator's hands. And to me that, there's no greater place than to be a tool in God's hands.
Candice Noss: 100%. I believe that that's exactly why we're here, is to own our divine [02:23:00] greatness and then use that greatness to help and serve other people. Yep. And so, tuning into that high frequency love place, what I'm hearing you say is that's what allows us to tune into our intuition, to tune into that spiritual connection, to tune into the communication that will then tell us where to be and how to be and when to be.
That's the, that's the radio channel that you want to tune into, is love. And when you tune into that, you can send and receive. Yeah. Well, we can always send. Prayer is there all the time, whether we're tuned in or not, but to get the answer, we've got to tune in. Well, Wood, is there anything else that's on your heart that you would love to share with us?
This has been such a treat, such a pleasure. I just enjoyed every second. I've probably taken four pages of notes while we've been talking. Well, Candice, it's been absolutely my pleasure to be here. We were, we were talking, chatting a little bit before this. If even one [02:24:00] person finds this inspirational or activating, or helpful, then it was worth it, right?
Vincent Tolman: Even if it took countless hours to produce or work on. But I'll tell you, the way that our Creator is working, it's not going to just help one or two, it's going to help, it helped me and you. I mean, just having this conversation, it raises both our love energy, it raises our love frequency, and that's what it's all about.
We're here to help and support and get ready for the great things that are going to come. Now. There is going to be some kind of weird stuff coming. But when you're tapped into love, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter what the news is going off about. this party, that party, drones, whatever. We don't have to let that bother us.
We can tap in and say, you know what? I know that stuff's going on, but I'm glad my creator loves me. And I'm glad that I am excited to go back and see my creator when it's the right time. [02:25:00] And that's an awesome place to be. That's a beautiful place to be. Yeah. I love the, the thought that it's our curriculum.
Candice Noss: I mean, we're here. God is in charge of our curriculum and whatever it is, you know, come what may and love it. Like, be willing, let God prevail in your life and give you the curriculum that will allow you to grow and become more like our Savior. And don't forget, you volunteered for this, Sarah. We all did.
Vincent Tolman: If you're, if you're here, number one, you wanted to get here. Number two, it was hard to get here. Number three, it's your contract. You, you wrote and signed your own contract. All of us did. Yeah. I think we had no idea what we were getting ourselves into probably sometimes. That's why we have the veil though, because if we didn't have the veil, we'd be like, give me my contract.
And we rip it up and say, get me back there. Because the veil allows us to stay in our contracts. If we didn't have it, I'm not kidding. If the veil wasn't [02:26:00] there, we would instantly grab a sharp object and it, and go Because we would know what it's like there compared to here. It's kind of like Uh, being raised in an amusement park, full of anything you wanted, and just full of so much love.
Everywhere you went, everyone loved you so much. And then, when it was time, you signed a little contract to go climb into a little prison cell for 80 or 90 years. If we could remember. that contract and climbing into the prison cell? Would we, would we stay in that prison cell? No. We would say, get me out of here.
I want to go back home. That's why we had to have the veil. Because that love loves us so much. We know that our Creator aches to have us close again. And we ache to be close to the Creator again. [02:27:00] The same way that if you just have a brand new baby and someone takes it away from you to go feed it or something, you're like, Wait, no, that's my baby.
Give me my baby. You know, it's like the same thing. We ache. We ache to be close to our Creator. So it was, it was, prerequisite that we have that veil. We have to have the veil of forgetfulness. Because without it, we wouldn't stay. We would all rip up our contracts and just go back. They're like, this is too hard.
That's why babies cry a lot is when they first get here. They're like, I don't want to be here. I was just in a place of tremendous love. Why would I want to be here? That's also why they're not allowed to speak right away. You see it. It's funny though. You see a lot of babies when they first come, they're like frowning at people a lot.
They're like, Hmm, this isn't anything like I was just experiencing not a month or two ago, you know? So it's, it's a, it's a cute part of this life, but I'll tell you, it's worth it. We wanted this. It's [02:28:00] worth it. It's absolutely worth it. It's like what Jake told you. It's going to be hard. It's going to be hard, but it's going to be worth it.
Yeah. It's worth it. Well, thank you so much, Vinny. I just would invite everybody to go listen to your book. Well, read your book, but I listened to it on audible after death. And we have a workbook too. We have a workbook that is going to be released in like a week or two. So, um, they can get that through our nonprofit at, uh, living gods, light.
org. Fantastic. Well, thank you so much for being here. Appreciate you. Thank you, Candice. Thank you for having me. It's been an absolute pleasure.
Candice Noss: Thank you for joining me today. Wow, right? Vinny expounded on so many nuggets. It was so amazing to hear him talk about Yeshua, Elohim, and ultimately the power of love. It was so powerful to recognize the truth of gratitude and how gratitude is [02:29:00] an accelerator to our connection to love and how when we aren't feeling the love, the way to get it back is to get up off our butt and find someone to serve.
It's awesome. Love truly is the key. I will put a link to Vinny's book and his website in the show notes. Vinny truly is owning his divine greatness and using that greatness to bless us today and to bless tomorrow. So many by sharing his story and by sharing the things that he's learned as many so beautifully articulated loving ourself is key recognizing the divinity within us allows us to then recognize the divinity all around us and our thoughts our thoughts are critical in this process we truly must live in a mind body and spirit alignment If we are to genuinely love God, love ourselves, and love others.
If you're interested in learning how to live with a mind firmly aligned, a body purposefully [02:30:00] loved, and a spirit powerfully accessed, if you're interested in learning how to love God, how to love yourself, and how to love others, and truly, if you're ready to step into who you really are and step up to your purposes in this world, the first start is to focus on your mind.
I have a free mini course. It's called Five Days of Focus. It will get you started on the path of becoming the boss of your brain. Find the link in the show notes. And remember, whatever place or circumstance you find yourself in, own your divine greatness and use that greatness to do good in this world like only you can.
You are designed for greatness.