Escaping the Three Traps that Keep You from Getting Healthy Designed for Greatness 10
Episode 10
[00:00:00] Hello, and welcome to the designed for greatness podcast conversations with canvas to help you elevate your mind, body, and spirit and own your divine greatness. Today you have episode number 10, escaping the three traps that keep you from getting healthy.
France. I am delighted to get you this podcast today. I created this webinar and felt the content to be so important that I wanted to share it with everyone. I'm sorry that on this platform, you won't be able to see the slides that I prepared, but hopefully the audio will be enough to drive home these principles that are so key to realizing our goals.
Thank you for being here. I hope you enjoy this webinar, escaping the three traps that keep you from getting healthy.
Candice Noss: We are here for escaping the three traps that keep you from getting healthy. Have you guys experienced that much? [00:01:00] Yes, I'm sure, and I'm so excited to have a chance to talk to you about this today. So imagine waking up every morning, feeling totally energized, ready for the day, excited to take on a new day, and attacking your day with a grounded, steady confidence that comes from feeling completely comfortable in your own skin and loving who you are and all of the things that you bring to the table.
Imagine living this way, having solid goals that you make progress toward, and realizing your dreams. Having a vision board and seeing those things come to pass, you guys, this is available to you. I promise you this is, and it all starts with understanding your brain. The mind is truly the battlefield. Let me say that again.
Our mind is the battlefield. Honestly, people think that the war is won or lost by the actions that they take, but that's not the full complete truth. We must go upstream from the actions we take in order to really [00:02:00] create that victory for ourselves. It's all about first becoming the boss of our brain.
And that is why today I'm so excited to share with you three of the most common traps that thinking traps that we get stuck in that keep us from achieving our most optimal health. So I'm excited about this. I delight in helping women step into their power and experience wins and dream big. Do you guys remember what it feels like to dream?
Do you have dreams so important? Discovering the secrets of the mind, the traps, the hacks, all of it. And then applying them to my life situations. It has changed the trajectory. Of my life, the whole entire trajectory. I am incredibly grateful and I give all the glory to God that I have truly been led and guided walking with Christ along this incredible path.
And now I am driven to share this with others, to open their eyes to the power [00:03:00] that they have, to nail their goals and realize their dreams truly to live their best life. So getting healthy is what we're talking about today. And um, I want to just quickly give you an agenda for how this is going to work
so first I will ask you about you. So be thinking of some questions that you might have. My question for you is where are you seeing success and where are you struggling with getting healthy? So be thinking about that and be, um, starting to write those answers in the chat. Um, after I kind of take a, a pulse on where you guys are at on your health journey, then I'm gonna go over my intention and intentions and objectives for this webinar.
I am going to introduce myself quickly for those of you who don't know me, and then I am going to share with you my story, why I'm so passionate about this. Then I'm gonna teach you the three traps that will keep you stuck and give you [00:04:00] some really important tools that you can take with you today and start applying in your life so that it will help you on your weight loss journey, on your health journey.
so the first question that came up here is, um, I'm good at exercising, but if I exercise, um, then it seems to give me an excuse to eat crappy. Okay? Yes, I hear you. This is super common, right? We will totally address this, and I just want you to know you are not alone.
That is such a, such a thing that happens. I do really well for a time and then it's like the floodgates break open and I sabotage everything I've worked so hard for. Oh, thank you for sharing. You guys, can I just tell you how strongly I relate to this? You do so well and then Oh, a weekend happens and all of the work.
Yeah, I relate. But you don't have to live there. I promise you There's, there is a way to get over this and I will address that too. Thank [00:05:00] you. Okay, let's see. I'm gonna take one more. I got a couple more coming through. Um, I've tried so many weight loss programs and read all the things, and I just feel overwhelmed and confused.
I don't know where to start and I am just tired of it. Oh my goodness. Will you have just pretty much summed up. The whole first 40 years of my life, going from one late weight loss program to another one, gimmick to the next, and feeling really frustrated as nothing I did ever stuck. Um, so I'm really, really grateful that you asked this question and I want you to know that.
Stay with me because there is hope, my friend. So much hope it's crazy. Sometimes we have to get to this horrible place of despair before we can really break through. And that is why this is so powerful. So, okay. Excellent. Questions everyone. Thank you so much for interacting with me. This is perfect. Um, the things that I have to share for you are so relevant.
I'm so excited. Okay, [00:06:00] so my intentions and goals for the day are, first off, I invite you to take a second to set an intention. You're gonna be with me for the next few minutes. What do you wanna get out of our time? Together we create so much more meaningful experience when we start with the end in mind.
So what is your end? What do you wanna have happen today? My goals for the webinar are first awareness. I want you to become aware of what you're thinking, to think about what you're thinking about, and to realize when you are falling for the sabotage that your brain really wants to send send to you. second, I wanna give you some self-compassion for being stuck in the past.
There is totally no reason to beat yourself up about any of it. There is a reason, a good reason for all of the times that we have messed up. And I'll tell you what it is. You have a human brain, that's it, and it's normal. So, Don't worry, it's a human brain. [00:07:00] And I can teach you how to override your lower brain and really live into that prefrontal cortex, your higher brain, where you can access the spirit and access all of the strategic analytical planning part.
It's, it's the part of our brain that makes us different than the animal kingdom, and it's so powerful. So I wanna give you compassion for yourself and understanding. And the third is I want to leave you with an intentional plan and some tools to help you overcome, some of the traps that have, that have been in the way, and so that you can start nailing your health, your health goals.
overwhelm and disappointment. Feeling stuck. Just reading here in the, in the comments. So common. You guys. So common. And I really want you to know, as you, as you understand these traps, And choose out of them with some of the tools that I give you. I'm so excited because it shifts everything for you. Okay?
So let me tell you a little bit about who I am. [00:08:00] My objective for you is to get excited about watching for these traps in your thinking and to experiment with these tools so that it will give you the, the, the awareness necessary to pivot and to do things differently. Um, one of my favorite quotes is, nothing changes if nothing changes, right?
So once I can help you open up to an a new understanding of what's going on in your brain, you're able to shift some things and experience some wins in getting healthy so you can get your goal. That's what I'm so passionate about. Okay, so this is me. This is my family. I have six kids and an incredible husband, and that is the light of my life.
Uh, I've been a physical therapist for over 20 years. I'm a life coach and I've been working for four years as a life coach, trained, um, with an emphasis in cognitive behavioral therapy. And I'm a Christian. I am currently getting certified in reiki love energy work. And I, um, [00:09:00] yeah, my kids, the oldest is Genesee, she's 20, she's at U S U, go Aggies.
And my youngest is five. She's gonna be going to kindergarten next year. Um, five girls, one boy. And bless his heart, he has a lot of drama to deal with. Um, and so does my husband. But it is a fun, fun life. I have a child in every level of education from preschool, elementary, middle school, high school and college.
And that is, It is a wild ride. Um, what I do is I empower Christian moms who have lost their passion for life to get up again and reclaim their joy. And I'll tell you a little bit about my story in a second. I live in Heifer, Utah, which is this little tiny town between Park City and Morgan, between Coville and Morgan.
And, um, I have lived here for eight, eight or nine years now. I grew up in Park City. I went to Park City High School, go minors, and then I went to BYU and I, [00:10:00] uh, then got into physical therapy school at the University of Utah, where I got my master's degree. I married Cory. When I was just finishing up PT school and we lived in Bountiful and then Sandy for 10 years in Sandy, which was such a beautiful time.
And then now I've been in Heifer. I breed dogs. I coach the Morgan High School freshman girls basketball. Uh, I do a jump rope club for the kids at the elementary school in Morgan. I'm, I love humanitarian work. I'm leading a team to Kenya this summer. Um, I've also been to Peru and Fiji and Haiti, and I love humanitarian work.
Um, And let's see. I'm not a fan of cooking or cleaning, but I do sometimes and I love sports and running, and pretty much anything that's shiny, I love it. So that's a little bit about me. Hopefully as I'm speaking to you now, um, you'll be able to feel a little bit of where I've come from. Um, but really I'm just a girl with a message that I wanna [00:11:00] share with the world so that we all might live with more passion and power, totally owning who we are and fully living into our purpose.
And it all starts friends. It all starts with giving our mind under control. What I teach is how to live with a mind firmly aligned, a body purposefully loved, and a spirit powerfully accessed. And that's the secret sauce. Okay? So my journey. This is a picture of me in 2018. I had just had my last baby, baby number six, ILA Grace.
She was turning one year old and I should have been happy. I had everything that I always wanted. I had a huge, beautiful home that my husband had built for us, living on a beautiful ranch. I had all of my family here, all of my kids. I finally was done being pregnant and nursing, right? I had, uh, pleaded and prayed and hoped to be a stay-at-home mom [00:12:00] throughout all of my kids' lives.
Finally, I was able to do that and I should have been happy, but I was in a really scary, dark depression, and I found myself living far below my potential. You see, my brain was totally out of control. I fell for every trap. That it gave to me thinking that my thoughts were just facts, just the reality. And I couldn't understand why I was so depressed.
My self-talk was despicable. I can't even tell you how awful I would rip myself apart. No wonder I was such a mess. Truly, I was overweight. Yes, but in my mind, I was totally obese, grossly obese. Um, whatever I did, whatever new gimmick or whatever diet plan I tried, I just ended up packing around more pounds I couldn't understand.
I was a physical therapist for heaven's sakes. I should be able to figure this out, right? Like, the body is my jam. [00:13:00] What's my problem? I was devastated. And the excess weight started causing more problems. I got plantar fasciitis, chronic back pain. I had gastro esophageal reflux disease, uh, knee problems. I was falling deeper and deeper into hopelessness.
I was living in a new town, and in my mind I was a lonely loser, rejected and unwanted. At any turn, I knew my situation was deteriorating pretty fast. I was yelling at my kids, isolating myself. Everything that used to bring me joy, I avoided. I didn't go out. Um, I dreaded each new day, and I was not the woman that I knew I was supposed to be.
But the thing is, I couldn't figure out how to get out of this awful pit of despair. Can you guys relate, can you, in your, I don't know. Let's see. Raise your hand if you can. I don't know if [00:14:00] you can raise your hand on this, but if you, if you relate, raise your hand. Oh, it tells me, Nicole. Thank you. Thank you.
Have you ever had a time when you realized you're living far below your potential, where you feel su stuck? Thank you for raising your hand. No, you guys, thank you. When you feel stuck and you sabotage with every attempt to get unstuck, have you ever lost your passion and you just kind of go through the motions in this depressed stupor?
I don't know if you've ever felt this, but you're so busy doing everything for everybody and everybody else that you kind of lose track of who you are and what you're passionate about in your life. Um, well, thank you for supporting me in this. I see your hands, it mean it means the most. Um, it really is hard when we get there.
And on my 40th birthday, I was, it was an especially dark day for me after I had an intensely harsh session of [00:15:00] screaming at myself for having no friends, just being gross for ruining my body and messing up my kids and screwing up my whole, my most special relationships and. For not having anything to show for 40 years is what I thought, which was a lie, but that's where I was at and I was going on and on and on.
I had what I call an H T I T J A hysterical, and I mean hysterical. Take it to Jesus moment. If you raised your hands with me, then I'm sure you've experienced this too.
I love a quote that I learned in seminary when I was in high school actually, and it comes to me all the time and it just says, when you just can't stand it anymore, try kneeling. I love that in my hysterical, take it to Jesus moment. I dropped to my knees and I just sobbed to my maker during this raw, heartfelt prayer.
I had this sort [00:16:00] of out of body moment is kind of the way that I can just explain it. I was able to step back and observe myself and see myself sobbing and the words that were coming out of my mouth. And while I was in this out of body experience, I felt Christ with me. And all of a sudden I realized what I was doing.
I realized the lies of what I was saying about myself. For the first time in a long time, I saw that what I was saying was a bunch of crap. I, I realized that actually I was a beloved, beautiful, precious daughter of God. And even after 40 years, my heavenly parents still loved me and it actually broke their heart to know that I thought I was a mistake.
To see that and. I also saw that it was like a slap in the face to my father in heaven to think that I didn't love my body to take this beautiful [00:17:00] gift that he had given me and reject it so intensely to hate on it, to tell it it wasn't good enough. It was a powerful moment and I realized that my body was actually perfect for me.
I recognized from this H T I T moment that myself talk had gotten out of control, and it was time for a wakeup call and to figure out how to love myself the way I knew my savior and my heavenly parents loved me. Through the grace of God and many tender mercies, I was able to access some self-compassion and um, through a lot of mini miracles, I found life coaching.
Friends life coaching changed everything for me. The reason why is because it gave me an understanding of why I [00:18:00] had done all of those stupid things I've ever done before. It's because I had a human brain and it was totally understandable. And once I could access this self-compassion because I was able to understand the the brain, then I was able to give myself grace.
And at that point I was able to shift everything that I was learning. In life coaching, I was able to jump in with both feet and apply that to my weight loss goals.
So I began con taking con, taking control of my mind and aligning my thoughts, my internal dialogue that was going on in my head. I was able to align that with Christ and. As I was able to access love for myself and my body, I started to lose weight. As I applied what I was learning in cognitive behavioral therapy to my weight loss, I lost 10 pounds and then 20 pounds, and I was like, oh my gosh, this is working.
Uh, I was ecstatic. After 30 pounds, [00:19:00] I was dumbfounded. The thing is, once I got my mind figured out and learned how to be my biggest cheerleader instead of my harshest critic, right? Once I was able to give myself authentic and true grace, well, it was magical. I don't know how else to describe it. As I got my mind, body, and spirit in sink, it was actually fun and easy to lose weight.
I'm not lying. It really was fun and easy. I just had to get my mind straight After losing 40, 50, 60 pounds, I knew I had to share this stuff with the world. No longer could I keep these prompt scenes that were nudging and patiently prodding me to become a life coach. No longer could I keep those at bay.
I, I listened and I became a life coach, and I started my own business. And now I help other women who, who struggled as I have. It made zero sense. It didn't make any sense at all. I have a, I have a master's degree in physical therapy. I was finally a [00:20:00] stay-at-home mom. Really go and get another degree and start your own business.
Yeah, I made no sense. But the thing is, once you start becoming the boss of your brain and loving your body on purpose, you become powerfully connected with your spirit. And you can no longer resist what God is telling you. It's inevitable. So I wanna tell you, I created the mind, body, spirit trifecta, and now I was stuck.
Giving healthy seemed impossible, but I broke free liberation, right? And now I teach and empower others to take back their power and break free too. Friends, this can happen for you. This is what some of my clients have said. I am so grateful for the things you've taught me. I wanna shout it out from the rooftop so others can have the opportunity to do the work too.[00:21:00]
Another client said, I started to hear the spirit again in my life. I started being naturally happy. My temper was more tempered. My relationship with my husband got better. I was more patient with my son. Body love has changed my life. I love it. The last one, Candace has truly helped change my thoughts about myself.
I didn't know how much I needed her and her program until I finished her program. My life has been forever changed. You guys. This just fills up
Candice Noss: soul because. It is why I'm here. I know that through my whole life, I've been prepared to be right here where I am now, to teach people how to live with a mind that's firmly aligned, A body that's purposefully loved in a spirit that's powerfully accessed so that they might more fully, fully love God, love themselves, and love others, because that's the whole purpose of why we're here, right?
The first two great commandments and so that they might step into who they really are, owning their divine greatness, their gifts and their talents, and all that they have for this world. [00:22:00] Not only that, but also taking those gifts and those talents and stepping into their missions and purpose to this world.
It's beautiful. So pretty awesome, and today you're taking the first step. That's what's available to you, and I want you to get you started here. So the three brain traps that will sabotage you. First, the default wiring of our lower brain, the second. Our brain wants to tell us that we need to hate and shame ourself into change, and that it just never works.
And the third is the negativity bias that is so prevalent in our brains that's so easy to fall for. let's talk about the default wiring of our lower brain. I hope that this gives you so much more awareness. There is three parts to our lower brain, uh, that over evolution and adaptation of time.
These have developed [00:23:00] and they're developed for more of a caveman type mentality. They're not, we're not really adapted to this society that we live in now. There's extreme survivalism, tribal paranoia, and the natural man tendencies. So extreme survivalism. Because we used to be cavemen, our brain thinks that that's still where we're at, and it is determined to make sure we survive.
Our brain is all about perpetuating our species and ensuring that we're safe. So it sells us on all sorts of thoughts that wanna keep us seeking pleasure, avoiding pain, and conserving energy. Now that's all good and fine, until we actually live in this real world and seeking pleasure looks more like addictions and overindulgence, right?
Avoiding pain looks like fear. It keeps us [00:24:00] from accomplishing our dreams and conserving energy well, that makes us complacent. It makes us, um, not go for a goal. It makes us be mediocre and okay with things rather be comfortable than growing. Right. The tribal paranoia piece of our brain sells us on the fact that we are part of a tribe.
And the only way we can survive in this scary world is if the tribe protects us. So it wants to make sure that everybody likes us, that we're a contributing member of the tribe, and that we never fall behind to be eaten by tigers, right? So that in today's world, looks like comparative judgment, where we compare ourselves with everybody else and we think we have to be better, right?
It looks like perfectionism. We have to be perfect. We have to perform. The tribe has to think that we're important. Uh, it looks like self-loathing. I'm not good [00:25:00] enough. They don't like me. I've gotta figure out how to make 'em like me. With people pleasing. It leads to insecurity where we're always focused on where we're not measuring up and how we're not good enough, and it lands us in a place of victim mentality.
Where everybody else has it and I don't, and I'm the victim and poor me. Right? You see that in your life sometimes. Yeah. It doesn't. It's not. It's not good. The last piece of our lower brain is the natural man tendencies. And I wanna tell you, this is such a powerful part to understand. The natural man wants to keep us stuck.
The natural man wants to keep us in a place where we will not progress, where we will actually destroy our lives. It will sell us on deception, lies, especially about our identity and our worth. The natural man loves to sell us on discouragement. You can never do this. It's hopeless. There's not [00:26:00] even worth trying, right?
And it loves to sell us on distraction. Anything to keep us from what is truly important, the thing that'll help us grow, the thing that will help us progress. If we listen to the natural man in real life, what it looks like is depression, anxiety, shame, imposter syndrome. Have you felt these before? Okay.
So now that you know a little bit about your brain, I have only just scratched the surface. You guys, there's so much more that we can talk about in these, and if you decide to work with me, I get into the human brain a whole lot more. But for today, this will suffice. I want you to experience what it's like to identify your brain's default wiring.
So take a second. I'm just gonna give you 30 seconds, and I want you to think about the last time that you messed up, the last time that you didn't show up how you wanted to, and I want you to write down some of the things that [00:27:00] you thought. If you could just write a few of those in the chat so that I can, so that I can see them.
And we're gonna identify which part of our lower brain is responsible, which is the source of those thoughts. Because I want you to realize you are not the source of these thoughts. It's just your human brain. And you get to decide which thoughts you will keep, which thoughts will strengthen you and serve you and help and empower you, and which thoughts you can let go of because they would destroy you and keep you stuck.
Okay? So take a second. Write down some. Oh, good. Some are already coming in. You suck. Yeah. Do you ever think that I suck? You suck actually. If it comes in in the second person, such as you. We know it's not us because we don't talk to ourself in the second person. Right? Interesting. Yeah, you suck. That's coming from the natural man, right?
It's discouragement and deception. I. Lies, you don't suck. You're amazing. You're a beloved daughter of heavenly parents [00:28:00] with a divine nature and an eternal destiny. That's who you really are. Right? And it's also discouragement, right? Yeah. Natural man. Okay. Keep putting him in there. I'll never be able to do it.
Yes. Right? Do you feel that that is the natural man? Also, the discouragement and the lie, and also it kind of fits into extreme survivalism too, where your brain wants to sell you on anything that it can do to keep you from, from getting outside that cave, right? It wants to help you conserve energy and seek pleasure and avoid pain.
And it's just too gonna be too painful if you try it and it doesn't work. So just don't even try it. All right? Okay. What else? What else comes up for you? What's wrong with you? Thank you. That is such a common one. What's wrong with you? Do you know who that's coming from? Do you know what source that that is?
Natural man every single time it [00:29:00] is. So, shame is such a powerful tool that Satan loves to use to keep us stuck. There is nothing wrong with you, but if you believe that lie that comes in through that natural man in your lower brain that says what's wrong with you, you believe that, then you start that what you focus on expands.
So you start focusing on things that are wrong with you, and pretty soon as you say something wrong with you here and something wrong with you here, and that's all you begin to see, it sells you on that lie, and it keeps you playing small. You see that? Okay. Thank you guys for responding in the chat.
Thank you for interacting with me here. I, this was just a really quick demonstration of how you can brain dump word vomit, everything that's in your head onto paper, brain dump when you don't feel good. And recognize the default wiring of your brain. Identify the natural man tendencies, identify the extreme [00:30:00] survivalism, identify the tribal paranoia.
And as you do that, you gain some understanding and some self-compassion. And from there you can shift into how you wanna fill. Instead, you can let go of the thoughts that don't serve you and lean into those that do. And that's what my coaching is all about, and it's, it's awesome. So fun. Okay. The second trap that we fall for when, um, when we get sabotaged as we head toward our goals, is we think that we should shame and hate ourselves into change.
Raise your hand if you have ever tried to beat yourself up, beat yourself into submission in order to make the change that needs to happen. You guys ever done that? Raise your hand. Thank you. Yes, all of you. Okay. I'm getting so many raised hands. Thank you, you guys. It never works. I don't know why we think that it works over and over again.
Through my first four years of life, I thought if I could just get mad at myself enough, [00:31:00] right? If I could just convince myself how disgusting I was, that would finally give me the motivation to make a change. The problem is it never works because. Fear and shame and hate. They're not a good fuel for motivation.
In fact, what they do is they actually shut you down. The best fuel for change to motivate change is actually love. I know it sounds a little hokey maybe, but you can never hate yourself then. You can never hate yourself into managing your finances. You can never hate yourself into stop yelling at your kids.
You have to learn to accept and love yourself where you're at while working toward what you want. So I want you to experience what it feels like to actually love yourself. My favorite, one of my very favorite quotes, and I hope you write this down and put it on your mirror and think about it all the time, because Helen [00:32:00] Keller was incredible.
Can you imagine not being able to see or hear being blind and deaf? I can't even imagine. She was able to do incredible things and this was her. This was one of her solid mantras. Be happy with what you have while working for what you want. Isn't that powerful? Be happy with what you have while working for what you want.
It is such a beautiful way to love yourself into any change that you want to make. So I want you to experience quieting that inner critic and strengthening your inner coach. Your inner critic is the one that is telling you to hate and shame yourself. And your inner coach is the one that's telling you, you can do it.
You're okay. Keep trying. Get up. Do it again, right? One of the most powerful ways to do this is with Mirror Talk. Now if you're like me, you might have long ago, um, [00:33:00] gotten in the habit of looking in the mirror and picking yourself apart. Have you guys done this right? You see a bulge here and cottage cheese there and weird something here.
And what is that part of my body? And a lot of times people use the mirror to beat ourselves up. I want to invite you to use the mirror to help you coach yourself into empowerment and uh, self-acceptance. So my challenge for you right now, I want you to get out your phone, okay? I want you to turn it onto the camera and flip it around so you're looking at yourself.
And once you're there, just raise your hand. And as soon as a couple of you raise your hands, then I'm gonna tell you what to do. Yeah. So get your phone out, put it on the camera, flip it so it's looking at you. Okay. I got a couple people ready. All right. Once it's looking at you, I want you to look yourself in the eyeballs and repeat [00:34:00] after me.
Ready? Do it out loud. I'm serious. Look at yourself. I am amazing. I am brave. Say it. I am enough. I am powerful. I am strong. I am kind. I am a warrior. Doesn't that feel good? Last one. I am designed for greatness. Say it. Awesome. Okay, you can put your phone down. I just wanted you guys to get a chance to look yourself in the eyeballs and say something kind.
What I have learned from working with hundreds of clients is when it comes to the mirror, Usually people fall into two categories. [00:35:00] Either they avoid the mirror because they don't want to see something and they don't wanna fall for the, the insecurities that they'll find. And they don't wanna hear all of the ranting that happens.
Um, so they either avoid it or they look into it and rip themselves apart. So I want you to have that experience and I challenge you to do mirror talk in the right way, in the empowering way, access, gratitude. You guys, if you can access gratitude for what you see in the mirror there I am high five.
Thanks. Good job waking up today. Good job putting yourself out there in the world. You're doing amazing. You got this right. So grateful that you have a brain that keeps you going. I'm so grateful that you have a body. Good job. Right. Okay. Couple of examples. All right, so mirror Talk that will totally help you get out of the habit of shaming and hating yourself into any sort of change.
Okay. The [00:36:00] third trap that we wanna escape from is our brains negativity bias. Our brains are wired. Their default factory settings are wired to find the things where we don't measure up. They're wired to pick apart all of the things that are wrong with us. And so it's really easy to fall for that because all the time our brain is bringing that to our attention.
But listen, we don't have to fall for it. When we get stuck in all the negative thinking, we get stuck in all the ways that we don't show up. We get stuck in all the ways that we're the weak link, right? When we care too much about social media and what people are saying about us, and if people like us or if they don't, we get stuck there.
It is a breeding ground for depression and insecurity and anxiety. So don't fall for it. There's a universal truth and it is powerful. It is a divine law that is always in play and it can work for you or it can work against you. And that truth is that [00:37:00] what you focus on expands. It is so powerful to understand this truth and put it to work for you.
So if you decide to fall for your brain's negativity bias, that will be all of what you see that will expand things about you that you don't like will grow. But if you decide on purpose to intentionally operate from your higher brain, right? The place that we get to choose our, our reaction, we don't just have to react, but we can respond intentionally.
If you can focus intentionally on the ways that you are showing up, on the ways that you are doing great, on the things that are going well. When you focus on the good, the good gets better. We can use this universal truth for us. This divine law can, our brains, they love to bring us evidence for whatever we're thinking.
It's one of the most powerful things our brain does. It's a problem solver. It loves to go out and find things to prove whatever we're thinking is true. So if we're focused [00:38:00] on, I am amazing, I'm designed for greatness, I am doing great things in this world, then our brain is gonna go out and it's gonna find all of the great things we're doing, and those things get better, not what we focus on expands.
So I want you guys to experience this. Get out your phone again, and I want you to go to your notes app, and I want you to make a new note when you're at your notes app. Then, uh, then go ahead and raise your hand so that I know you're there. Part of the way that we can combat our brain's negativity. Bias is to celebrate wins.
Because when we celebrate wins, we're focused on the good, and then when something comes into our brain where it's a negative thing or it's focusing on the bad, we have cognitive dissonance, which means it shows up more because it's different from how we're used to thinking. We're able to see it and dismiss it so much easier.
Okay, some of you are there. Awesome. So as you get out your phone on your notes app, I want you to write Success log and then return to the next line. [00:39:00] Three Done Wells. At the end of every day, I challenge you to do this. It's a small and simple thing, but it will give you huge, huge results. Three done Wells.
What are three things that you did well today? And not only are these done wells giving you motivation and showing you focusing on the things that are good, the things that where you're succeeding. It also puts you in a place of gratitude. And gratitude is a magnet for miracles. Gratitude is such a powerful force.
It's such a high vibration emotion that it lifts you. So three done wells, and then one thing that you wanna improve on tomorrow. So one thing to improve on is powerful because you're not focusing on how you're not measuring up. No. You're focusing on how you're wanting to grow. And that little tiny shift makes all the difference.
Okay? So hopefully you've had a chance to at least get in your notes app and write success log, and then write three done wells [00:40:00] and write one thing to improve. And when you go to bed tonight, I challenge you. I invite you, I offer to you to do this. Train your brain to focus on the good Okay guys, I have just scratched the surface of these traps. I hope that you have gained some awareness and some of these few powerful tools that will help you escape these traps that will keep you stuck. The default wiring of our brain will keep you stuck by brain dumping. You'll be able to identify and recognize where the source of those thoughts are.
And you can give yourself some compassion for them and you can shift out of that into how you want to think instead. So powerful. The second trap, right, was shaming and hating yourself into change. By landing in a place of mirror talk, you're triggered to say kind things about yourself all throughout the day, anytime you see yourself in the mirror.
And by doing that intentionally shifting to a place of love [00:41:00] and acceptance for yourself, we're able to shut down that shame and hating part and lean into loving what we have while working for what we want. So powerful. And then the last thing was, um, the negativity bias. And shifting that by focusing on our, our, uh, success log.
Three Done wells. And one thing that you want to work on to grow the next day. Just the knowledge of these tools is gonna help you take back your power. I. Over your thoughts. I hope you guys love it and that you are inspired to take these actions. And for those of you who want to take this to the next level, I am going to talk about my Body Love program.
It's really powerful and I would love to share the details about it with you. So I don't wanna do this if you don't want to do it, but if you would like to learn more about My Body Love program, please just raise your hand and I will, um, go forward, think, okay, I got some, okay, then I'll go forward and, and do it.
It truly is changing lives and I just wanna share it with the world. Um, but as I, [00:42:00] as I'm waiting to see, I promised you guys a gift for staying with me through this webinar. I have a, a QR code here and if you go ahead and scan it, it will take you directly to, um, a video that I have created, and it's called Self-Talk.
Go from crappy to happy with one simple brain hack. This will support everything that I have just introduced to you here on this webinar. And it is a powerful, powerful hack. And, um, self-talk is where it's all about we have to gain control over our mind before we're gonna make any change. Did you know experts say that 80% of our internal dialogue is negative?
80%? So don't beat yourself up for having negative self-talk. You're absolutely a hundred percent normal. It actually takes quite a bit of mental work, like going to the gym every day in order to land in a place of positive self-talk. So yeah, 80% right? Yikes, right? [00:43:00] Yeah. I see you. I see you coming through.
Okay. Um, All right. So this video will really support you in your efforts. and if you are ready to learn, if, if you don't wanna stay for what I have to say, that's fine. You guys can, can leave now. But I wanna share with you about my Body Love program. it is powerful. I believe it is one of the most important reasons why I am here on this earth.
Um, this is what one of my clients said, Candace, have I told you how grateful I am that our paths crossed right when I needed you? You are changing lives, and mine is one of them. Thank you. It, it truly is changing lives, and this is just one of many testimonials that I have. Um, but the thing that I wanna tell you about body love is you will come into body love, possibly to lose weight.
But as you, as you go after the program, you'll realize that it wasn't really even about [00:44:00] the weight, it's about who you became along the way. Um, the benefits that you'll receive from Body Love are you will genuinely love and accept yourself and your body. Powerful. You will have a healthy relationship with food.
It feels so good. And despite the number on the scale, truly, you will feel comfortable in your own skin. That is what body love can do for you. And it's all about learning how to live with a mind firmly aligned, a body purposefully loved, and a spirit powerfully accessed. Um, whoops. Okay, so I wanna tell you the features and the benefits of body love.
First of all, it's a three month program. Now, what this means for you is the changes that you're making. They go not from just something that you're gonna give a whirl, but they actually go into a habit. Three months is a long time. And it's that way on purpose. It [00:45:00] makes it so you get past that honeymoon period of trying something new and being excited about it.
Through that stage of, you know, is this even working into that final stage of, I love this, I want to live this way forever, right? And having it for three months. What it means for you is that you will end up with healthy lifestyle habits. My body love program is, has a lot of videos, it has a ton of content, and what this means for you is growth.
I use, what I have found, I've discovered, I have seen it happen. I call it the trifecta transformation system. It's a cycle that you complete and then you uplevel and then you complete it again, and then you up level always on. A trajectory toward our most divine self, toward becoming like our savior, Jesus Christ.
And I have found the way that that happens is, number one, you have to gain awareness. You have to gain a new knowledge about something. Nothing changes if nothing changes, [00:46:00] right? We have to become aware. We have to learn something. So my program gives a lot of education. It is really video heavy. And the cool thing is once you gain that awareness, You're able to land in a place of acceptance to process the emotions that come up and all of the things that haven't worked.
You it, you can land in compassion and give yourself grace. And from there you're able to set a new intention, make a new plan, take massive action on that plan, and then analyze what happens along the way. But the first step is the awareness. And that happens in my program through the videos that I give you.
So when you sign up, you'll get five foundational videos before the first of the month. Everybody Love program group starts on the first of the month. So after you have those five foundational videos on the first, you're ready to hit the ground running and it is awesome and powerful. Um, and then every Monday for the entire three months of the program, you'll receive another video that dives deeper and deeper and [00:47:00] deeper into our mind, body, and spirit, and it is transformational.
I give an accountability and coaching piece through the app, Marco Polo. I don't know if you've ever used Marco Polo before, but it's a video chat app. It's kind of like sending a text, but it's just a short video. And the cool thing about Marco Polo is it helps you feel more engaged. It helps you feel seen, and also you have to see yourself.
So it's a really powerful opportunity to work on mirror talk and despite what, however you look, and when we use Marco Polo, a lot of times, if you've used it before, we look a little bit sketchy in our phone screen, it's fine. It's a really powerful way to just get into the habit of being like, oh, there I am.
I love me. Right? My hair's a little crazy today, but I love me anyway. Right? Really powerful. But that Marco Polo piece, I assign you a body love buddy. Someone else in the sa in in the group, and that is who you check in with as often or as little as you want. So your body love buddy [00:48:00] gives you a lot of accountability and a lot of support.
You're both going through the same thing so you can identify and relate to each other. And you also have me at your fingertips. Anytime you wanna, Marco Polo me about anything. I'm here for you. And I love connecting with people. I love building those relationships and helping you overcome the stumbling blocks and helping you use those, make those stumbling blocks turn into stepping stones.
Like that's why I'm here. And I love that part of my program. The Marco Polo piece is amazing. It helps you take, um, all of this information and really apply it and know I can, and I will, I can do this and I will do this. I'm supported, I'm seen, and I am making progress. It's awesome. The next feature of my program is the group coaching calls.
There will be a group coaching call every, um, every. Week of the program. And I usually do those on a Tuesday, Wednesday, or [00:49:00] Thursday, either seven, eight or nine, somewhere between those times. And I switch it up so that if you have a consistent, um, something that you do consistently at one time of the day, at some point it's gonna work for you to make it to a call.
So I've found that to be the most successful way to get people there to the calls and the group coaching calls. I really feel like this is where the magic happens. This is where we take everything that we've learned and we apply it to our life and we watch how it works. So we take the things that we've learned in our head and they go from our heart into our bones, and as you ask questions, And I coach you on those, everyone in the whole group benefits because we all have the same questions.
We're all going through the same things, maybe in a little bit of a different way, but it all trickles down to the same things. And so together we rise. And the group coaching call is a, a powerful piece of that. Um, I give Google [00:50:00] Docs and a mind, body, spirit tracker. I have learned something powerful in my life that which is measured, improves.
It's true because it brings your awareness to it, right? It puts your energy into it, it puts your focus into it, and then your it, it can't help but improve. So the Google Docs are a place where we can collaborate. Everybody can share their ideas, and the mind, body spirit tracker is yours. It takes, there's a mind sheet, a body sheet, and a spirit sheet, and you're able to.
Document everything that you're learning, the whole entire, the whole entire three month process. It's a powerful way to, um, make the changes that you're doing solid to document them and to be able to re redo them later, look back and say, that is what made me successful. I love that. I'm gonna apply that again.
It's a powerful piece. And I love sharing golden nuggets. I [00:51:00] do, I text either daily, sometimes twice a day. I won't do it more than twice a day, I promise. But usually every day or every other day, I share a meme or I share a TED talk or a talk, um, a devotional talk, or I share, um, a reel or I share something that I've found on social media.
I share something every day. And what this means for you is body love stays top of mind. It is something that you think about every single day. It helps you check in with your goals. It helps you check in with everything that you're doing and keep those things top of mind. It is awesome. And what I ask of you, if you are going to do body love, You have three things that are required.
That's it. I do require three things, and if you're not able to do these three things, then truly body love is not for you. It will not work. But if you are willing to love yourself like crazy. Now, I know you won't be successful at this in [00:52:00] the beginning, but I will give you the tools and the strategies and the coaching and everything that you need to truly land in a place where you do love yourself like crazy if you're willing to try.
That is the first requirement. The second requirement is that you'll be willing to plan what you eat and eat what you plan. So if that sounds too hard or you're not willing to put into that work, this isn't gonna work for you. But if you are willing to do it, it is so powerful because it helps you understand exactly what's happening and it helps you operate from your higher brain.
It is so important. Um, if you're willing to do that. And if you're willing to analyze what happens along the way, if you're willing to interact with me, to come to the group coaching calls, to interact with your body, love buddy to every night, look back, what hap what did I do? Well, what do I wanna do better tomorrow?
Right? Analyzing what happens along the way is so important. There's a quote that I love and it says, um, you don't learn from your experience. You learn from your reflection on your experiences. It's so [00:53:00] powerful. It only happens through analysis. Another thing that I love to say is I either win or I grow and you can only grow if you analyze what happens along the way, right?
So important. So if you're willing to do those three things, then body love could be awesome for you. So I just wanna talk about some things I researched, uh, one of my favorite ladies to follow, and her program for three months cost $2,800. Well, almost $2,900, 28 75. Right. Um, I googled the average price of a life coach driven weight loss program and it said anywhere from two to $500 a month.
So $1,500. Yeah. Uh, what I normally charge for body love is $600 and that is a $200 a month charge. You guys, because you're here today, I appreciate it so much. [00:54:00] I wanna offer you body love for 5 55. I love angel numbers. So 5 55 for you guys today if you want to sign up. Um, and if you do sign up. I have just created an ebook and it is, I'm so excited about it.
It's beautiful. I had my graphic designer help me make it all pretty and cute and it's so awesome. It's called The Art of Self-Love. 10 Ways to Increase the Charity that you Feel for yourself. I love it. I'm so, um, I still, like, God kind of gave me this and I am so grateful. So I wanna offer it to you for free if you sign up with me, um, in the next couple of days.
And the last thing is, I am creating a workbook. I'm actually meeting with my friend that's helping me create this next week for the final edits. I'm hoping that this workbook gets done, if it gets done within the next three months, which I'm pretty positive it will. I don't wanna make a promise that I can't, um, deliver [00:55:00] on, but I'm hoping I, it's in the works, it should happen.
So if that happens, then I will also give you a workbook for, for, for the cost of this program. So if you would like to do it, I would love to have you. And I just want to end with a couple of success stories. Um, this is Lisa. And Jenny and Loretta and each one of these ladies has become a best friend of mine through their body love journey.
Each of these ladies has lost over 60 pounds. I don't know the exact number for all of them, but I know it's over 60. One of them has lost 80. Um, and kept it off because what I teach is a healthy lifestyle mentality. It's not a weight loss diet mentality. It's a healthy lifestyle mentality. And each one of these ladies, um, is dear to my heart, and that's what happens with my clients.
They become my best friends, and it is so cool, and I absolutely love it. Um, and I'll just end with this [00:56:00] testimonial that I received. Candace, I loved this program. I came into body love to lose weight, and although I did lose 25 pounds, what I gained was so, so much more. I would do it all over again and pay whatever money just to learn.
All I did about my mind. The weight loss was great, but it was the part about clearing out my brain and living with a healthier mind that was worth every single penny. Thank you for following your heart and creating this program. It truly is life changing. I love it. It's powerful and it's one of my purposes for why I'm here.
So I would love it if you join me and I will, um, have the recording of this webinar for the next three days. So if you sign up for Body Love within the next three days, I'll give it to you for the 5 55. I'll give you the free e-book that I have just created and I will also, once I get that workbook done, I'll give you a workbook also.
Does anyone have any questions? I'm gonna go back to [00:57:00] the comments. Um, oh, one of one of my past clients is here and she said I loved the calls. Thank you. They are, they're one of my favorite things. I enjoy my body, love call nights. They're so fun. Thank you. Um, okay, well, if there isn't any more questions, I'll wait and see if anything comes up.
Oh, okay. I got another one. Okay. Do you have a payment plan? Yes. If, if you want to do a payment plan, absolutely. Whatever works for you. You can pay weekly, you can pay monthly, you can pay, um, we can just, whatever you decide, we can talk about it and work with you. Whatever works with your budget. Okay? Do you have a weight loss guarantee?
No. There's no weight loss guarantee, but if you will commit to doing those three things that I talked about to love yourself like crazy, plan what you ee, what you plan and analyze what happens along the way, if you do those, those three things, then according to my track record from working with [00:58:00] hundreds of women, you will be successful.
And when I say successful, I want you to know what success looks like for me. It looks like, well, it looks like what I showed you over here.
It looks like this. Genuinely loving and accepting yourself and your body, having a healthy relationship with food, and despite the number on the scale, feeling comfortable in your own skin. And as you figure this out, after the three months, you will know what it feels like to live with. A mind firmly aligned, a body purposely loved, and the spirit powerfully accessed.
So yeah, there's no weight loss guarantee. You actually have to put in the work. And I can't guarantee what people are gonna do. I can't, I can't take credit for your own actions, but I support you every way that I possibly can. Um, and hopefully by the end of this, you will truly own who you are and step up to your work to do in this world in a powerful way.
Oh good. I got a couple more questions here. Um, okay. I tend [00:59:00] to start strong, but usually Peter off. Do you have anything that will prevent that from happening? Great question. Great question. That would happen to me all the time too. The thing that I love about this program is I do it for three months. We kind of talked about this before.
So you, if you start to peter off, you're not alone. You have a body love buddy. You have me, you have my texts coming through almost every day, if not every day. You have the weekly videos, the weekly coaching calls. You're supported in so many ways. So, um, I do coaching, I coach you on this all the time, and I give you a safe space to explore whatever is coming up for you and I will empower you to stay the course.
So, yeah, good question. That is something that normally happens, but the way I've set it up is to hopefully keep that from happening. I. Okay, we've got one last question here. I'll see if anymore come through. Um, what if after the three months I am not where I want to be yet? Oh, [01:00:00] I'm super glad that you asked that question because that happens actually often.
And one of the coolest things that I think, like one of the best compliments that I could ever receive is when people want to do my program again because it says it's worked and they love it and they wanna keep doing it. And that happens often. It happens a lot you guys. Um, if after the three months you feel like you're just barely getting a handle on things and you love what's happening and you wanna keep it going, you can sign up again for a discounted price.
Um, I also have a conquering confidence course. I have one-on-one coaching. Um, I'm gonna create a powerful parenting course in the next couple weeks and I. Those are all different ways that you could continue working with me. I also send out an email every Thursday, it's called Thankful Thursday, so that you have some interaction every week.
Um, and once you go through my program, you'll be part of my Facebook group, the Mind, body, spirit Group, and [01:01:00] I share stuff there all the time too. So you'll have, even after the, the end of the three months, you'll have more interaction for sure. As much as as you want. Just check the ch the chat one more time.
Okay. Well that's all that I see there. So you guys, thank you for being here from the bottom of my heart. I hope you enjoy that free gift. Aw, someone's clapping for me. Thank you. Um, enjoy your free gift and really take these three brain traps. Watch out for them, apply the brain dump, apply the mirror talk, apply the success log to your life.
I promise you it will make a huge difference. And one thing that I tell my clients every single time is you are designed for greatness. I love you for being here. Have a fantastic day.
Friends. I love you for listening, and I hope you feel a new awareness with [01:02:00] insights on how to proceed toward your health goals. If you're interested in working with me, go to my website. Candice Dot com. That's Candice with an eye like can't ice, ice, baby. I'd love to connect and see if I would be a good fit for you.
In the meantime, take advantage of my new freebie.
10 things to never do. If you want to raise a confident daughter with the healthy self image. Friends. These things are so important. And I wish I would've known them when I was a new mom. I hope you enjoy.
Click the link in the show notes to get it. And as always remember, You are designed for greatness. Now, get out there and go do some great things.